How to Sketch Out a Wood Fence
- 1). Sketch an outline of your fence beginning with one post. Begin at the bottom of your paper and draw a straight line up as high as you want the fence to appear. Draw a short horizontal line or a slightly rounded line, depending upon whether you want your wooden fence to have a flat top or a rounded top.
- 2). Draw another vertical line from the top of your post back down to the bottom of your page. This is your first post. Recreate this same post across the page to create your fence outline.
- 3). Lightly shade each fence post by holding your pencil at a slight right angle and coloring left to right. Don't worry about coloring the post solid. Leaving some of the white of the paper showing through will enhance the shading and help create a wooden texture.
- 4). Add a few knots to your posts to further enhance the look of the wood. Place the tip of your pencil where you want to begin the knot and draw a spiral with two or three layers. Don't remove your pencil from the paper until the spiral is finished. Darken the area around the spiral to make it stand out.
- 5). Smudge and blend some of your lines with the edge of a pencil or the tip of your finger. This blending will help bring together the pencil strokes and give the entire sketch a unified appearance.
- 6). Color your fence with a brown color pencil. Apply the colored pencil over the angled light shading you did with your lead pencil earlier. Don't follow the original pencil lines exactly. The brown pencil will blend with the lead to not only color your picture but to add shading and depth as well.