Are Your Sanitary Products Good For You?
 When was the last time you read the back of your sanitary products packet? Once a "favourite" is found most women don't think about the products they buy, but consider the following 5 facts before your next monthly stock up.
1. What Is Your Body Telling You?
For some women, choosing a sanitary product isn't as simple as comfort and absorbency. Many sanitary products have industrial chemicals applied during manufacture to bleach, dye and deodorise; while polyethylene plastic keeps us ‘dry'. It's not surprising that many women suffer physical reactions that make each month more uncomfortable that it should be.
2. What's Your Contribution To Landfill?
Did you know that every dry weave top or silky cover helping us to ‘stay dry' is made from polypropylene – a non-biodegradable plastic? It won't break down and disappear. Ever. As each woman will use at least 12000 sanitary products in her lifetime, the non-biodegradable contribution to landfill is significant.
3.   The Truth About Tampons
For many women, tampons are convenient but they do carry some risk. Inserting and removing of tampons can cause small lacerations and ulcerations of the vaginal wall and this is not just physically damaging - it can help spread the rare bacteria strain that causes Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). With fatal results for 3% of women.
4.   Isn't It Great That They Stick So Well?
You're naturally more confident when you know your pad or liner is secure. But have you ever considered the glue that keeps them so firmly fixed? Commercial grade chemical glues stay on clothes after the pad or liner is removed and can react with your body long after you've washed your clothes.
5.   A New Meaning Of Killer Curves
Are your sanitary products "non-chlorine bleached"? If not, they could be contaminated with trace amounts of the toxic chemical Dioxin, a bi-product of the industrial bleaching process. Stored long term in your body fat, Dioxin isn't directly harmful but has been linked to effects to the reproductive system and foetal development, amongst others. Check the process and make sure you aren't increasing your risk.
So what's a girl to do? There is a growing range of products that ensure women are comfortable and confident during their menstrual cycle, while also being chemical free and environmentally safe. It's your body so it pays to evaluate the products you use regularly.
One such alternative is Anion sanitary pads which can boast to be highly absorbent, chemical free And biodegradable. As a healthy alternative to tampons the pads include a strip of patented anion tape, which can get rid of female genital inflammation and reduce cramping from heavy periods. The strip releases negative ions which have many health benefits and the patented technology is unique to find in sanitary products. Many women have noticed the difference to their cycle strength, cramps and overall wellbeing.