Craft Catchy Titles to Catch Your Client"s Attention
If your headline gets ignored, so will your article.
More people will read your content if you have a better title than your competition.
Many people will read the content if they commit to reading the headline.
This sound like a common sense thing, but it amazes me how many articles I see with blah titles on the Internet.
The rest of this article will give you tips on how to create titles that compel your audience to read the article you slaved over.
If I can't come up with a headline right away, I'll write the article first.
Once I write the article, then I'll craft a title that matches the content of the article.
I also try to use words that will grab the intended reader's attention.
Alliteration also helps with titles.
An example of using alliteration in a title, is something like this: Success Strategies for Small Business Owners.
Notice how I used the letter "S" several times in the title.
Numbers are also good in headlines.
You could spice the example up by making the title Seven Success Strategies for Small Business Owners.
Isn't this better than this, How To Run A Successful Small Business? I hope you see the difference between the two titles.
One is basically a snore fest.
The other title makes you sit up in your chair and pay attention.
Another way to come up with good headlines is to look at the magazines on the newsstands.
Nowadays magazines face stiff competition, not only from each other, but also from the Internet.
Magazine articles have to have catchy titles or they wouldn't sell any magazines.
Don't copy the titles verbatim.
Just pay attention to the verbiage used in the title and the format of the title.
Another way to come up with good headlines is to visit article directories and look at other articles in your niche.
You'll see the good, bad and the awful when you do this.
Take note of the titles you like and the ones you don't like.
Write down what you like about the good titles and incorporate that into your own titles.
Also be sure to make a note of the titles that didn't work for you and make sure you don't do that when you craft the title for your article.
Creating good titles is a skill that will take you a long way in your article marketing efforts.
Good titles make people want to read your article.
Go and use what I've just told you to start creating awesome titles.