Depression: Coping With Depressive States, the Depressed
Depression is not only psychological; it is also physiological ~it is not only a mental condition -depression involves also the physical organs. Many suffering from depression or caring for the depressed could better and easier cope with depressive states if they appreciated this.
The reason why depression is not only psychological but also physiological and not only a mental condition is this: It involves the physical organs; for example, 'nervous break-down' which depression may lead to is not as often understood by laymen to do with the mind only (it results when severely and prolonged is overloaded one's nervous system whose functions are affected by the functioning of e.g. the respiratory and the digestive systems -oxygen and e.g. carbohydrate intake being involved in the body's processes of purifying the blood, the level of purity of which in turn contributes to the overloading or not of the nervous system ~it is involved in nervous debility causing tiredness and in reducing the mental ability to concentrate of those suffering from depression); while the effects of depression are also psychological, there is nothing psychological involved as a cause, in 'post-natal depression' (it is believed by many experts to result from a sudden drop and rise of chemicals in the blood before and after child-birth).
That is why, although not appreciated by many caring for persons suffering from depression, also diet and fresh air much matter in coping with depression -not only a positive attitude.
The causes of depression are not generally agreed upon (for while science generally accepts now the involvement of also 'mind' it does not know what it is exactly and only can agree or disagree with philosophers as to whether man will or can ever know) but, including the endogenous kind of it such as 'baby-blues' and the reactive kind as from grief, the symptoms of it may vary from emotional to mental to physical (extremes of.. suspicion, irritability, self-criticism, need for re-assurance.. memory-lapse, inability to concentrate, doing unintended things .. loss of weight or over-eating, not feeling sleepy, blood imbalance or pressure) -although not necessarily symptoms only of depression, nor necessarily at all of it -often with anxiety and despair...
What is generally agreed about depression is that these help prevent depression and recovering from depression:-
Physical.. ensure an active life ~simplify tasks -break them down -normality.. much fresh air -oxygen helps purify blood…
Diet.. avoid increase in tobacco and alcohol intake.. ensure daily to have one each of.. bread, cereals.. milk, cheese.. meat, fish, eggs, pulses.. fruit, vegetables.. water.. (these balance the body's-system)…
Mental.. photographs -memory, paraphrasing -concentration…
Emotional.. socialise, discuss things -if caring for the depressed, do not mind nervous habits, e.g., nail-biting to distract self from worry; and ensure to share laughs and don't criticise or pity but praise or self-praise to re-build confidence.
These are the gist of the generally agreed reasons for depression and what may help those suffering from depression –should depressive states be experienced the depressed should consult medically .
Depression is not only psychological; it is also physiological ~it is not only a mental condition -depression involves also the physical organs. Many suffering from depression or caring for the depressed could better and easier cope with depressive states if they appreciated this.
The reason why depression is not only psychological but also physiological and not only a mental condition is this: It involves the physical organs; for example, 'nervous break-down' which depression may lead to is not as often understood by laymen to do with the mind only (it results when severely and prolonged is overloaded one's nervous system whose functions are affected by the functioning of e.g. the respiratory and the digestive systems -oxygen and e.g. carbohydrate intake being involved in the body's processes of purifying the blood, the level of purity of which in turn contributes to the overloading or not of the nervous system ~it is involved in nervous debility causing tiredness and in reducing the mental ability to concentrate of those suffering from depression); while the effects of depression are also psychological, there is nothing psychological involved as a cause, in 'post-natal depression' (it is believed by many experts to result from a sudden drop and rise of chemicals in the blood before and after child-birth).
That is why, although not appreciated by many caring for persons suffering from depression, also diet and fresh air much matter in coping with depression -not only a positive attitude.
The causes of depression are not generally agreed upon (for while science generally accepts now the involvement of also 'mind' it does not know what it is exactly and only can agree or disagree with philosophers as to whether man will or can ever know) but, including the endogenous kind of it such as 'baby-blues' and the reactive kind as from grief, the symptoms of it may vary from emotional to mental to physical (extremes of.. suspicion, irritability, self-criticism, need for re-assurance.. memory-lapse, inability to concentrate, doing unintended things .. loss of weight or over-eating, not feeling sleepy, blood imbalance or pressure) -although not necessarily symptoms only of depression, nor necessarily at all of it -often with anxiety and despair...
What is generally agreed about depression is that these help prevent depression and recovering from depression:-
Physical.. ensure an active life ~simplify tasks -break them down -normality.. much fresh air -oxygen helps purify blood…
Diet.. avoid increase in tobacco and alcohol intake.. ensure daily to have one each of.. bread, cereals.. milk, cheese.. meat, fish, eggs, pulses.. fruit, vegetables.. water.. (these balance the body's-system)…
Mental.. photographs -memory, paraphrasing -concentration…
Emotional.. socialise, discuss things -if caring for the depressed, do not mind nervous habits, e.g., nail-biting to distract self from worry; and ensure to share laughs and don't criticise or pity but praise or self-praise to re-build confidence.
These are the gist of the generally agreed reasons for depression and what may help those suffering from depression –should depressive states be experienced the depressed should consult medically .