Things To Consider Before Business Card Printing India. Have A Look!
Size and color- One of the most important things about card designing as a good size and color of a card shows the descents of the employee and its company. Mostly people select dark colors for their card, but this wrong as dark color always distract human eyes. You must have to use light colors, for instance, yellow, black, cyan and magenta.
Avoid Using borders- You are designing a business card, not a marriage invitation card; so avoid sketching borders on the card. There is also a reason of avoiding borders that the business cards mostly designed in the small shape and printers do not read them very accurately; while printing cards, most of the printers deduct the above border due to margin principle and leave the other. With this, the card looking awkward.
Use complimentary background colors- Background color is an another important point to consider while selecting a design for business cards. Most of the people fill their border with white color, but the fact is that it is not looking so good. The border color should be like that which looks great and combines well with the writing color of the card. Generally, the color of font and background color were opposite in order to maintain the reading compatibility of the card.
Ensure your text is well readable- After selecting background color and design, you must have to assure that is your card readable or not. In analyzing this factor, you have to print a sample of the card and then analyze it.
Put complete information- For business card printing India, you have to print all information on your business card, for instance, your name, contact number, what you do, QR code (if applicable) and social networking website address.