Competition Check: sulumits retsambew
One of the great things about SEO contests is that the competition is literally open to the public eye. If one of your opponents is using some SEO strategy, there's no way that he or she could hide it from you. Consequently, you should maximize this aspect of SEO contests and check out your competition as much as possible.
For example, if you notice that there's quite a bit of link exchanging going on, you might want to consider doing the same thing with other sites. The same goes for just about every other SEO technique in the book; if your competition is doing something, do the same thing, only better.
Remember, the contest is all about getting as high a rank as possible. Any SEO strategy that's being used by your opponents could possible give an advantage. Unless you use the same technique, you'll let them retain the advantage. At least when you catch up with them, all of you will then be competing from a common level of promotion.
Don't forget to keep track of the number of pages showing up on Google, too. That's your indicator of how many other people are promoting sulumits retsambew. That number's sure to rise in the following weeks, and that should be your motivation to work even harder to promote the keyword phrase.
If you've already started, be thankful for the time advantage you have. Starting as soon as possible means that you gain that many days' worth of promotion and SEO over the other opponents that arrive later on the scene. In this kind of competition, every single advantage counts for a lot.
And finally, check the Google results page regularly to see where your pages rank relative to your opponent. If you're not in the first couple of pages, buckle up because you've got a lot more work to do. Otherwise, you've just got to push a little more to get to that coveted top spot.
Even if it might seem to get pointless, just keep checking Google to see where you stand and how your opponents are faring. In these kinds of contests, it's just you against the world.