Are Credit Card Companies Evil?What Credit Card Issuers Don"t Want You to Know
Are credit card companies evil? You might find that question silly, unless you're drowning in a ton of credit card debt and can't seem to find your way out.
If this is the case, then the above question probably doesn't sound so ridiculous to you.
In fact, you're probably wondering why no one warned you about the dangers of falling into debt.
Therein lies the problem.
Credit card companies are not evil, but they do have a vested interest in keeping you in debt.
Sure, they make money from merchants who accept credit cards in exchange for a small percentage in fees.
But they also make a lot of money from unsuspecting people just like you who don't realize how their debts can quickly add up and how the finance charges will end up costing you much more than the original amount you thought you were paying.
When most people sign up for a credit card, they simply don't realize what they're getting themselves into.
It seems easy enough to charge an item that you really want onto your credit card and simply pay it off later.
After all, it's kind of like layaway, isn't it? Well, unfortunately it's not.
If you simply pay off the minimum payments every month, you are paying a high amount in interest whether you realize it or not.
The average interest rate is about 17%, but they can go much higher.
Depending on your payment record, you may be charged 30% interest rates in some cases.
There are over the limit fees and many other nice surprises to greet you every month.
What should you do about it?