Investing in Real Estate: Non-Traditional Investing Techniques
More recently, investors have been buying and selling properties in an even shorter period of time, putting down a very small down payment and holding the property only until closing. Some states will allow for a "dry" closing, in which the first buyer doesn't need to bring any funds to the table, they buy and re-close in the same day. Most states, however, have outlawed this practice and a wholesaler (as they call themselves) will need to secure transactional financing if they cannot bring cash to the closing table. From there, they close and turn around and sell it within the same 24 hour span. Tax Liens - Tax liens are another great way to get investing in real estate, and tend to require a smaller initial investment. While state laws vary, the basic concept of tax lien buying is that you can buy a lien placed on a home by the county. Counties need taxes to help make their budgets, and homeowners who have gone a certain amount of time without paying these taxes can end up sinking a county into a funding hole. These counties will sell the lien that they are allowed to place on the home, putting the tax lien buyer in a great position to purchase the home. There are many tactics to turn the tax lien into a purchase of the home, but the main goal of buying a tax lien is to collect the high interest rates, anywhere from 12-15%. To learn more great tips on how to invest, and to check out our Denver Colorado homes for sale, visit us at PorchLight Realty.