Accessible News Scottish Anywhere Globally
It's All about Business
While it is indeed a noble act for businesses especially of news Scotland outlets to expand their operations to foreign countries, the bottom line for all these remains economic. With the expansion of the business reach, there is also an expansion of the client base. This is not only beneficial to the media outlet itself but also to the businesses that advertise in these media outlets. This is what powers news Scottish outlets in expanding its operations despite the immense expenses involved.
Good for Culture Too
Perhaps borrowing from their Celtic heritage, Scots are found in almost any country in the world. This means that the Scottish culture is pretty much diffused and is mingling with the other great cultures of the world. For these Scots, the hunger for news Scottish is even greater because any news Scotland is their only lifeline to the home they left behind. And for many such Scots, it is a sure way to keep that Scottish flame in them going.
But it is not only expatriate Scots who revel at the prospect of having information on their country online. Even people from different nations are also interested in this tiny country. For one, the products of Scotland are all over the world: whisky, tartan, bagpipes, even education too with some of the world's finest universities found in Scotland. All of these elements contribute to making news Scottish all the more significant because it is the only way for many to get a taste of Scotland without flying to Edinburgh or docking at Glasgow.