Confidently With Purpose
I always say that there is only one way to live life...
confidently with purpose.
You don't have all the answers, but guess what...
nobody else does either.
Did I plan on being where I am...
10 years ago, if someone would have asked me where I would be, I would've told them married and a couple of kids.
Well that didn't happen:).
You go with it.
Life isn't to be controlled.
It doesn't fit in that perfect box of plans.
No matter what curves life has thrown at us we've got to keep moving.
Life is not about what happens to us...
it's how we react.
I will never use anything that's happened to me as a crutch and say "Oh, woe is me.
" Our past is not baggage that follows us, or pain that we can't recover from.
It is simply life lessons that we use in the future.
The old saying that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger is so true.
Embrace what we've been through, because we can't change it.
My Dad gave me some of the greatest advice.
He once told me, "You will always be wiser 10 years down the road.
" I strive to constantly learn.
Pain is a scar.
I look at it and remember how it hurt, but I can touch it and it doesn't hurt any more.
My past doesn't shatter my confidence, it strengthens it.
A confident person in my mind is someone that is comfortable in their own skin and believes in their purpose.
My purpose in life and what drives me is being involved in other people's lives.
Not because I can help them...
because they help me.
I always say I can only live one life, but the more intricately I know people the more life experience I gain...
just by hearing their stories.
Some are funny, some are sad, but they all impact me.
Confidence is not having the answer all the time.
It's recognizing what you know, and not being afraid to say, "I don't know.
" Confidence is not the loudest person in the room.
Some people don't like it when you try to give them the answer to everything:).
Some of the most confident people I've met in life are kind of quiet.
We can and should all be confident people.
We don't get another life.
This is it, make the best of it.
Confidence is simply choosing to be happy when you look in the mirror, no matter the circumstances.
My attitude has always been, why not like that guy looking back at me, it's not like I can be somebody else.
If you don't believe in yourself then who will.
I always wish that people could look at themselves through others eyes.
Sometimes you will find that there is a disparity between how you perceive yourself and how others see you.
For some that's good and for some that's not, haha.
Deep down we all share the same fears and insecurities.
The way we differ is how we handle these.
What I love is genuineness.
There are some grumpy, miserable people that I love simply because they are who they are.
I'll take that any day over the person who, if they're aren't talking to you they're talking about you.
Long term, you will never get ahead by stepping on people on the way up.
One misconception is that we need admiration for confidence.
Not necessarily true.
It's nice, but at the end of the day it's my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to.
I always tell people to do the same.
God gave me a brain for a reason.
If people can't figure out the consequences to their actions, then they are doomed to constantly make the same mistakes.
It always amazes me when people act like the results came out of thin air.
You were baking a cake? What did you expect, pizza? We're all guilty of it...
sometimes I've started to cook some mac and cheese expecting rice to be there when I got back to the stove,:).
I strive to never live in fear.
Being bull headed is a form of confidence, but not necessarily a good one.
If it doesn't serve your purpose...
you're just being stubborn for no good reason.
Sometimes, refusing not too change is just stupidity.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result I always want to constantly evaluate and see if what I'm doing is helping or hurting my purpose.
There's a healthy balance.
Extremes are always scary in anything I've found.
I really believe that God put us on this earth and said here you go.
What are we going to do with the time we are given? God gave me the tools, it's my job to put them to use.
We will always reap what we sow.
So, as I go forward I sow confidently, believing wholeheartedly in what I'm doing, but remaining flexible enough to change.
My ideal person and what I aspire to be is someone who has these qualities: They listen to others, but make up their own mind They talk to people, not down or up, knowing that no one is better or worse than them They realize that leadership first starts with being a servant They are the same person 24/7, no matter the audience They look at the big picture, but know that the small stuff are pieces of the puzzle They believe in their purpose!
confidently with purpose.
You don't have all the answers, but guess what...
nobody else does either.
Did I plan on being where I am...
10 years ago, if someone would have asked me where I would be, I would've told them married and a couple of kids.
Well that didn't happen:).
You go with it.
Life isn't to be controlled.
It doesn't fit in that perfect box of plans.
No matter what curves life has thrown at us we've got to keep moving.
Life is not about what happens to us...
it's how we react.
I will never use anything that's happened to me as a crutch and say "Oh, woe is me.
" Our past is not baggage that follows us, or pain that we can't recover from.
It is simply life lessons that we use in the future.
The old saying that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger is so true.
Embrace what we've been through, because we can't change it.
My Dad gave me some of the greatest advice.
He once told me, "You will always be wiser 10 years down the road.
" I strive to constantly learn.
Pain is a scar.
I look at it and remember how it hurt, but I can touch it and it doesn't hurt any more.
My past doesn't shatter my confidence, it strengthens it.
A confident person in my mind is someone that is comfortable in their own skin and believes in their purpose.
My purpose in life and what drives me is being involved in other people's lives.
Not because I can help them...
because they help me.
I always say I can only live one life, but the more intricately I know people the more life experience I gain...
just by hearing their stories.
Some are funny, some are sad, but they all impact me.
Confidence is not having the answer all the time.
It's recognizing what you know, and not being afraid to say, "I don't know.
" Confidence is not the loudest person in the room.
Some people don't like it when you try to give them the answer to everything:).
Some of the most confident people I've met in life are kind of quiet.
We can and should all be confident people.
We don't get another life.
This is it, make the best of it.
Confidence is simply choosing to be happy when you look in the mirror, no matter the circumstances.
My attitude has always been, why not like that guy looking back at me, it's not like I can be somebody else.
If you don't believe in yourself then who will.
I always wish that people could look at themselves through others eyes.
Sometimes you will find that there is a disparity between how you perceive yourself and how others see you.
For some that's good and for some that's not, haha.
Deep down we all share the same fears and insecurities.
The way we differ is how we handle these.
What I love is genuineness.
There are some grumpy, miserable people that I love simply because they are who they are.
I'll take that any day over the person who, if they're aren't talking to you they're talking about you.
Long term, you will never get ahead by stepping on people on the way up.
One misconception is that we need admiration for confidence.
Not necessarily true.
It's nice, but at the end of the day it's my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to.
I always tell people to do the same.
God gave me a brain for a reason.
If people can't figure out the consequences to their actions, then they are doomed to constantly make the same mistakes.
It always amazes me when people act like the results came out of thin air.
You were baking a cake? What did you expect, pizza? We're all guilty of it...
sometimes I've started to cook some mac and cheese expecting rice to be there when I got back to the stove,:).
I strive to never live in fear.
Being bull headed is a form of confidence, but not necessarily a good one.
If it doesn't serve your purpose...
you're just being stubborn for no good reason.
Sometimes, refusing not too change is just stupidity.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result I always want to constantly evaluate and see if what I'm doing is helping or hurting my purpose.
There's a healthy balance.
Extremes are always scary in anything I've found.
I really believe that God put us on this earth and said here you go.
What are we going to do with the time we are given? God gave me the tools, it's my job to put them to use.
We will always reap what we sow.
So, as I go forward I sow confidently, believing wholeheartedly in what I'm doing, but remaining flexible enough to change.
My ideal person and what I aspire to be is someone who has these qualities: They listen to others, but make up their own mind They talk to people, not down or up, knowing that no one is better or worse than them They realize that leadership first starts with being a servant They are the same person 24/7, no matter the audience They look at the big picture, but know that the small stuff are pieces of the puzzle They believe in their purpose!