Laughing Off Your Blues and Blahs
They give us a clearer picture of what life is in general.
These funny quotes I have selected are my personal favorite.
They have served as my guiding principle in living my life.
"If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire" - Anonymous We make lots of excuses just to get away from any difficult situations.
We are so afraid of facing challenges and trials that sometimes we make up lots of stories just to stay scot-free but we are missing out on getting what we really want in life.
"The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement" - Anonymous If something's lost and can't be found, we should buy a replacement instead of spending too much time looking for it.
It may not be the exact replica but it has the same purpose.
Just like friends, they come and go.
There's nothing you can do but move on and look for another one.
She may not be as perfect as your friend but at least she possesses the quality of a good friend and you have someone to stand by you.
"An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!" - Anonymous In life, we go through lots of tests.
Some of us easily give up while others are still pursuing their dreams.
These people who have positive mental attitude are those who believe that trials are only designed to make them a better person.
"When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane" - Anonymous In order to be on top of everyone else, you have to undergo a series of hardships but if reaching your dreams seemed just like a walk in the park and you haven't even encounter any obstacles along the way, then something's wrong.
To taste the sweet fruit of success, we have to encounter challenges first.
If life seems to be easy for you and you seem to get what you really want without working hard for it, it's time to do reality check, you might just return the favor in no time.
There are lots of things that we get inspirations from.
Some of us get inspirations from the books that we read, from a person we look up to and even from these funny quotes about life.
These inspirations give us all the reason to go on with our lives.