Effective Internet Marketing and the Ways to Generate Assured Traffic to Your Website
According to a study people are spending more time on social media sites such as Facebook compared to other sites combined together. It has been a trend for the past few years continuously that the time being spent on Facebook globally is increasing rapidly and the time spent on the remaining Internet is decreasing by whopping volumes. In such a scenario people became apprehensive when it came to online marketing. No doubt it was a visible trend that social media was taking its lion's share away from the rest of the web and it was worthwhile to use social media to generate traffic and build strong relationships. But people raised question marks that if Facebook was that addictive, why on earth people would want to click on some other link to go outside of Facebook and surf a different site. But experts out rightly reject this fear. They have a valid point.
According to them people are there on Facebook for a reason and one of the reason that hooks them is the level of interaction offered on this social media in our ever busier world. It gives them a chance to express themselves, chat with good old friends in real time, though their workplaces might be thousands of miles apart. It also acts for our psychological need of self-actualization, when we post online who we are and why are we here. But it does not mean that a person who is hooked to Facebook does not need any further information or does not want to expand himself to the length and breadth of this world. So if Facebook offers a link that contains the information that we are craving for, we would immediately want to go for that. So, still Facebook can be a very good source of back-linking and diversion of traffic to your site. Furthermore if you choose the category and communities correctly, you will attract genuine customers too. Internet marketing Canada will help you run an effective social media marketing campaign.