Why Should You Choose to Recover From Your Grief?

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It is imperative for you to consider why it is important for you to heal from your grief.
Forget the where, when and how for a moment and contemplate the why.
Why should you strive to eliminate life-long misery and sorrow? Have you considered that prolonged grief damages your overall health and psychological well-being? Do you prefer to choose happiness and hope over constant sorrow? Why would you let despair or fear rule your life? Why Would You Choose Lasting Misery? Making lemonade out of sour lemons can be a worthy choice.
It can also be an opportunity to learn more about your personal strength and spiritual stamina.
You alone can choose the level of sweetness in your own lemonade.
The bitter cup of misery should not be your drink of choice.
Have you ever come away from visiting someone sick and suffering wondering if they enjoyed the sympathy and attention they receive as a result of their poor health? On the other hand, have you ever visited someone who is going through an unspeakable trial or difficulty and found you came away feeling uplifted and inspired by their courage and strength? Staying stuck in a place of misery can be devastating.
Some challenges do require constant medical assistance or support.
There are physical impairments, illnesses and other incapacitating conditions which have a degree of permanency.
When overwhelming challenges come into your life, you may wish for your life to be back to the way it was before.
Nevertheless, life-long misery and sorrow can be minimized.
Despite significant physical challenges, many of these decisions about the quality of your life are made in your mind and heart.
If you are still blessed with your capacity to think clearly, you can make choices to help you have a happier, fuller life.
Have you taken the vital steps to do so-if not why? Why Would You Damage Your Health? Can you imagine what would happen if you put diesel fuel in your gas burning automobile? It would not operate effectively and would have little functional value.
It's certainly important to provide proper maintenance and fuel to your automobile to keep it running smoothly.
Consider how much more important it is that you also give yourself the needed fuel and maintenance to support your energy and healing.
Are you fueling your body with healthy food and staying hydrated by drinking enough water? Even if you have some physical limitations due to injury or illness, there are likely still some ways you can exercise your body.
It takes effort to exercise and to prepare wholesome food, but you are worth it.
Getting the rest you need and enjoying some recreation can also support you in your healing.
Seek nutrition advice from your doctor or request some guidelines for exercise from a qualified physical therapist.
Unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle do not support your healing.
If you are not caring for yourself physically it is time to ask why.
Why Do You Prefer Misery In Preference to Happiness? Often the depth of your grief can choke out hope.
Your sorrow can impede your healing efforts.
Without realizing it you may be hosting an ongoing private pity-party.
You may even feel like giving up.
It's like saying: "I choose misery over happiness.
" You may be caught off guard by the intensity, duration or force of your grief.
You may feel like you are reeling and off balance.
You may even feel like you are spiraling downward in emotion or despair.
You may need to enlist the services of a helpful professional to help you regain your stability and perspective.
While it may be necessary for you to take a temporary step back, seek ways to begin taking steps forward toward healing and happiness.
In spite of your heartache, you still have the opportunity to choose.
Some of your sorrow may always be with you.
Yet, learning to return to a happier state can bring peace and hope into your life.
Have you stated your intentions to choose happiness in your life-if not why? Why Let Procrastination and Fear Make You Powerless? Good habits can be very beneficial in your life.
Because of a significant loss or heartache, you may have just decided to simply sit back and wait for your situation to get better.
You may feel like waiting to do anything until your overall outlook of the situation improves.
Taking a brief hiatus may be necessary for you to gather your energy and strength.
However, hibernation or isolation does not support your healing.
Don't wait too long to begin to reclaim your life.
You may feel afraid or uncertain about the future.
Fear is often described as the absence of faith.
Fear can rob you of hope and deplete your strength.
Fear and sorrow could even cause you to blame God or lose the ability to find solace in prayer.
While fear is very real, it can also be very debilitating and hold you back indefinitely if you are not aware of how it is affecting you.
Yet, there is hope! Even though the hope and happiness you seek is temporarily hidden from your immediate view, it still remains.
You must seek it.
Focus your intentions and actions toward healing your grief.
Do not deny the power you can access to support yourself on your healing journey.
Please exam your current habits.
Do they need adjusted? Have you considered how you are using your time? Are you conscious of self-defeating beliefs or behaviors? Have you looked deeply for solutions to your sorrow? Have compassion for yourself and recognize your grief is real.
Allow yourself some time to grieve and to mourn your loss.
However, it is critical for you to recognize all of the reasons why you might get stuck in your sorrow, anguish, and despair.
It is important for you to remember why you want to recapture hope, happiness and health.
Reclaim the power you still have to progress.
Are you taking the steps to overcome sadness-if not why?
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