Let"s Just Call a Spade a Spade - Black and Gay Not the Same

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Some things in this world are destined to change and some things, no doubt, will remain the same.
When it comes to race and sexuality though, homosexual activists, with the help of some misguided black folk, are desperately trying to blur the lines of distinction.
Take, for example, the Atlanta-based political lobby of Georgia Equality Project (GEP).
The GEP has taken up the case of being black folks' advocates in an attempt to shore up support for homosexual agendas.
They have introduced the People of Color Initiative, which among other things seeks out and encourages African-American homosexuals to run for public office.
Harry Knox and his crew are busy profiling themselves with a case involving a black homosexual man who alleges that he is the continuing target of "homophobia" at Ford's Atlanta plant.
In one of the most ridiculous stories I have ever heard, Rueben Camp, alleges that he is the victim of antui-gay slurs and physical threats at the company's Hapeville assembly plant.
Notice I said is.
Camp has filed suit insisting that this is still going on.
If it's true, is Ford that crazy to let its employees physically threaten another employee knowing full-well that a lawsuit has been filed against them?Camp claims that while a supervisor and a fellow co-worker looked on, someone physically-assaulted him.
The supervisors did nothing as usual, he says.
Well, seeing pristine opportunity to fly his rainbow flag of justice and diversity.
Knox and GEP swiftly took up the case as Camp was hailed as a "gay brother" in trouble.
The problem with this scenario is that white gays have typically been just as discriminatory against black gays in their sub-cultural circles as the so-called homophobic heterosexuals they claim are oppressing them.
Jimmie Scott, a gay African-American activist who serves on the board of the GEP took whites to task at a recent gay conference where he candidly challenged the practice of "tokenism" in the gay community.
"Just because you ask a person of color to be on your board, that does not mean that I should be do damn honored.
" Scott said.
"Don't say you want people of color involved in your organization and then not be willing to put any resources behind that.
It's an empty phrase.
What you really want is a person of color in your board picture to make it look pretty.
" Most African-American gays angrily sat out the ill-fated, but much ballyhooed Millennium March on Washington last April 29-30.
Organizers reportedly excluded African-American gay leaders.
Cleo Manago of Los Angeles, attended a Human Rights Campaign (HRC) meeting which he says reinforced "classic, anti-black thinking,.
" With all of this hypocritical shape-shifting and in-house racial supremacy going on, it's no wonder white gay activists keep insisting that the color of one's (our) skin is identical to one's (their) sexual methodology.
Let me be the first to go on record with a response: HOGWASH ! Let's just call a spade a spade; black and gay ain't the same!One would have to get on the first Greyghound to heaven and personally get God to admit that he didn't have a clue when He created the races.
Anyone with a shred of common sense knows that the color of one's skin is an immutable trait.
In other words, once you are born it is impossible to change (We are not including a certain popular singer in this).
I think the gay powers-that-be know this.
That's why they work overtime trying to shimmy up to African-Americans with talk of like struggles.
I cringed when I saw Human Rights Campaign head-warmonger Elizabeth Birch standing next to the James Byrd family in Texas, pretending to be all concerned about what happened to Mr.
Wow, what a photo op for her, I thought.
I wondered if Ms.
Birch was so concerned about the plight of African-Americans why hadn't she shown up at the countless funerals of young black men who have been mowed down by white cops?Well, maybe it was because none of that kinda stuff fit her political stocking stuffers.
Gays have had their supporters among African-Americans.
Coretta Scott King and former Health and Human Services director Louis Sullivan both have advocated a black and gay marriage.
Ooops, I mean, civil union.
Sullivan summed up his support of the black and gay controversy by saying, "Disapproval of a sexual practice is transmuted into the demonization of a sexual species.
"You figure that out.
I like what Mrs.
Alveda King, niece of the civil rights icon MLK, Jr.
said at a conference of exgays in Washington, DC.
"I have never seen an ex-black, but I've seen plenty of exgays.
"The fact of the matter is simple.
Black Americans don't need another opportunistic group taking advantage of us.
We've been manipulated enough, both by some of our own leaders and by those without.
It's about time we stopped the free piggy back rides.
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