The Full Moon Night Festival In Hoi An Vietnam
Every month there is one night in the ancient town Hoi An when you will see no electricity, no artificial lighting and no vehicle on the street. It is called the Legendary Night Festival or the "Traditional Fesitval in Hoi An" or the official name "Hoi An Full Moon Night".
The festival is dedicated to the moon, somewhat similar to the yearly Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam and China. It is a night festival taken place as a monthly ritual homage and gratitude to the moon. On the 14th day of Vietnamese lunar month, Hoi An transforms itself into an early 19th century town.
On this night, locals dressing in traditional costumes and walk the moonlit and lantern lit streets of town. There are people of different ages reciting poetry or performing traditional operas on the streets. It is the alluring quietness, the peace, the poetry and the enchantment of lantern light that attract tourists to this festival.
Streets are decorated with colorful traditional lanterns lighting the whole town while soulful folk and opera music and lyrical poetry chanting wafting from every corner. The festival time is from 5:30pm to 10:00pm. This is one of a few exotic festivals around the world which does not require a season to visit.
Usually on this night, tourists leave their Hoi An hotels and flooded the street walking the peaceful street lit by hundreds of colorful lantern, listening to the music floating in the air and enjoying an enchanting moment back in ancient time.
There is a story going around in Hoi An that connected to this festival. It is said that if you light a lantern and let it float on the river in the night of the festival while making a wish, your wish would come true. Though there is no way of knowing if this tale is true, many young people still think it's worth a try.
Many tourists love this festival in Hoi An and often time their trip to be able to attend this festival. Just like anything else in Hoi An, the festival give people the feelings of being back in time and away from all the modern society. It is a very nice change for a while.
The festival is dedicated to the moon, somewhat similar to the yearly Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam and China. It is a night festival taken place as a monthly ritual homage and gratitude to the moon. On the 14th day of Vietnamese lunar month, Hoi An transforms itself into an early 19th century town.
On this night, locals dressing in traditional costumes and walk the moonlit and lantern lit streets of town. There are people of different ages reciting poetry or performing traditional operas on the streets. It is the alluring quietness, the peace, the poetry and the enchantment of lantern light that attract tourists to this festival.
Streets are decorated with colorful traditional lanterns lighting the whole town while soulful folk and opera music and lyrical poetry chanting wafting from every corner. The festival time is from 5:30pm to 10:00pm. This is one of a few exotic festivals around the world which does not require a season to visit.
Usually on this night, tourists leave their Hoi An hotels and flooded the street walking the peaceful street lit by hundreds of colorful lantern, listening to the music floating in the air and enjoying an enchanting moment back in ancient time.
There is a story going around in Hoi An that connected to this festival. It is said that if you light a lantern and let it float on the river in the night of the festival while making a wish, your wish would come true. Though there is no way of knowing if this tale is true, many young people still think it's worth a try.
Many tourists love this festival in Hoi An and often time their trip to be able to attend this festival. Just like anything else in Hoi An, the festival give people the feelings of being back in time and away from all the modern society. It is a very nice change for a while.