6 Great Monsters That Can Hijack Your Marriage Or Relationships
1.Excessive social affiliation. Although you are married but the life of youngsters has not been erased from your sub-conscious mind. So, you go out drinking alcohol, rocking and night hawking to the detriment of your family forgetting that you left somebody at home. Such life may eventually lead to your ruining if you dont call it a day.
2.Ostentatious habits or desires. Are you the type that ego has ravaged your life, you feel too pompous and forcefully assumed you belong to a certain class without the financial backing of maintaining that status. Your desires or demands are along this path of goods belonging to a particular class. Therefore, all your resources (money) are consumed to achieve this objective and you neglect the well- being of your family.
3.Credit life (loans). The buying of almost everything (houses or apartments, vehicles, household goods etc) on credit characterised our western world. If you are not discipline and actually control your degree of involvement, you will become a perpetual debtor and that means you have little or no disposable income. That will negatively affect your family.
4.Infidelity. The holy book has this to say He that made them from the beginning created them male and female. And for this course shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and both twain shall become one flesh. Let the breast of your wife satisfy you and be ravage with her love. Based on these quotes, you can see that is two fleshes becoming one and not three or more flesh. Therefore, adultery or fornication or extra-marital affairs should not and must not infiltrate your home or family.
5.Ill-health. Mind you, you signed a contract of; for better for worse till death do you part. Whether in soundness of health or ill-health your intimacy and love must be like that of Christ and His church, agape love.
6.Prayerlessness. Irrespective of what you belief, there is a supernatural being that created, sustained and control the whole universe and He is the originator of the family. Surely, if you carry Him along in planning your family and commit your family into His hand, crisis will not visit you home.
Now that know this, if you can take away these little foxes with great consequences from your marital life, your home will be replica heaven on earth. It advisable that you read more of relevant write-up by clicking the link below.