The Revolving Doors of Situational Ethics!

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Revolving doors have many useful purposes.
They can be used to regulate the temperature of large buildings.
This is a big help in keeping down expenses.
They can also be helpful in keeping rain and snow from being tracked into the building.
A further useful purpose is security.
They can be set up in such a way as to allow only one person to enter a building at a time.
This would keep out an unauthorized person who could go in on the "coat tail" of an authorized one.
Revolving doors do have some disadvantages.
There was a time when a building caught on fire with a large number of people in it.
When the people tried to go through the revolving door, it was jam packed as they stampeded to get out.
As a result, many of the people died from smoke inhalation who could have been saved if they had gone through a regular door.
Because of this, every building that has a revolving door is required to have at least one regular one beside it.
When the revolving door is related to our moral dealings with people, it can have many far-reaching impacts on our society.
We see these all around us.
Since the 1960's, our society has gone through a dramatic cultural change.
This change has affected every area of our society from science to social actions.
It has brought decay to our moral and spiritual environment, which has left many people "along the road, bleeding.
" This cultural change has been fueled by situational ethics: the new morality movement.
Like so many other changes, at first it appeared to be a good thing.
After all, who could possibly argue with a basic Bible concept.
The concept was that everything we do should be motivated by "agape.
" "Agape" is a Greek word that symbolizes God's love.
It is a selfless love that puts others' interests above your own.
This is the main principle of the Christian religion.
Who could possibly be opposed to a whole world being motivated by the love of God? After all, isn't this what the people of God have been preaching from the beginning of time? Beware! Any good thing can be corrupted.
The greater its good, the greater the damage its corrupted version can inflict upon us.
It turns out, the situational ethics movement shipwrecked itself when it tried to use humanist means to accomplish the love (agape) of God.
In the process of attempting to fight "legalism," they fell into an antinomian lifestyle.
They became lawless.
In time, they became godless.
The revolving door of the situational ethics movement has four leaves.
The pragmatism leaf, which is based on the principle that asks, is it practical and does it work? 2.
The relativism leaf, which says all is relative to the situation.
There are no moral absolutes.
The positivism leaf, in which everyone freely chooses to believe in "agape" love.
The personalism leaf, in which laws are declared to be for people's benefit.
Any law that is not for people's benefit should not be imposed on them, regardless of who made the law.
The laws of the Bible would be placed in this list of regulated laws.
Put this revolving door in front of the "ivory palace" of moral freedom and you have a disaster in the making.
In the first place, the same door that allows people to enjoy the "ivory palace" lifestyle sooner or later puts them back "out on the street.
" You cannot live in this environment forever.
You have to go where the people are in need of "agape" love.
As a statement of fact, if you are going to express your "agape" love to others, you cannot even go into this "ivory palace.
" The people you are professing to be helping are "out on the street.
" Regardless of how pleasing the "ivory palace" is to the eyes, it is only a place of self-indulgence with no place for an "agape" love lifestyle.
Thus, the revolving door of the situational ethics movement is very inviting to a self-indulgent generation that has been conditioned to believe the only thing that matters in life is their right to "the good life.
" The problem comes when reality bursts their self-indulgent bubble.
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