Laser Hair Removal
Many people I know have tried, and loved, laser hair removal. It is quick and does not involve much pain, and it is permanent hair removal. That means that you will not have to shave or pluck or wax, and that is the best part of all!
Just between us, I had laser hair removal about three years ago. It is absolutely mortifying to be a woman with stray hairs coming out of your chin. I would spend a lot of time in front of my magnified mirror and pluck hair after hair. Sometimes, I would decide that it was time to let the professionals take care of it, and I would go to get waxed. Talk about pain! If you can sit through having your face waxed, there is nothing you cannot do. A couple of times I would try depilatory creams and that was not a pleasant experience either. My upper lip smelled like a home permanent from the 1980s and anytime I tried using it, my face was red for a couple of days after. So, I donned my hat and sunglasses and went in for the procedure.
My first treatment was a little intimidating. I was scared that it was going to hurt despite the fact that everyone told me that it would not. They were right--not bad at all! The worst of it all was that there was a bad smell while the technician was using the laser, but the smell still was not as bad as using Nair or Veet. It did not take long at all, maybe twenty minutes, and I was finished and making my next appointment. My face was a little red, but that was no different than the redness I got when I went for a wax.
When I confessed to a co-worker that I was having the procedure, she told me that she struggled with unwanted facial hair, too. Maybe I did not need the hat and sunglasses after all, if this was something that other women had to deal with. Within a very short time, several women from my office were going in for the same hair removal treatments.
Lately, I have been thinking of going for permanent hair removal on my legs. I would love to be able to take a shower without having to shave my legs. Shaving does not take long but it would be so nice to skip that step every day.
Sona laser hair removal is effective, permanent and safe. It has FDA approval for a safe way to remove hair permanently. There are no limits to where you can use a laser for hair removal. If you have hair, it can be permanently removed.
For me, the decision is not whether to have laser hair removal. My decision is if I will start with my legs or my eyebrows. Who am I kidding? We probably all know that I will do both!
Just between us, I had laser hair removal about three years ago. It is absolutely mortifying to be a woman with stray hairs coming out of your chin. I would spend a lot of time in front of my magnified mirror and pluck hair after hair. Sometimes, I would decide that it was time to let the professionals take care of it, and I would go to get waxed. Talk about pain! If you can sit through having your face waxed, there is nothing you cannot do. A couple of times I would try depilatory creams and that was not a pleasant experience either. My upper lip smelled like a home permanent from the 1980s and anytime I tried using it, my face was red for a couple of days after. So, I donned my hat and sunglasses and went in for the procedure.
My first treatment was a little intimidating. I was scared that it was going to hurt despite the fact that everyone told me that it would not. They were right--not bad at all! The worst of it all was that there was a bad smell while the technician was using the laser, but the smell still was not as bad as using Nair or Veet. It did not take long at all, maybe twenty minutes, and I was finished and making my next appointment. My face was a little red, but that was no different than the redness I got when I went for a wax.
When I confessed to a co-worker that I was having the procedure, she told me that she struggled with unwanted facial hair, too. Maybe I did not need the hat and sunglasses after all, if this was something that other women had to deal with. Within a very short time, several women from my office were going in for the same hair removal treatments.
Lately, I have been thinking of going for permanent hair removal on my legs. I would love to be able to take a shower without having to shave my legs. Shaving does not take long but it would be so nice to skip that step every day.
Sona laser hair removal is effective, permanent and safe. It has FDA approval for a safe way to remove hair permanently. There are no limits to where you can use a laser for hair removal. If you have hair, it can be permanently removed.
For me, the decision is not whether to have laser hair removal. My decision is if I will start with my legs or my eyebrows. Who am I kidding? We probably all know that I will do both!