What The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Teaches Small Business Owners About Marketing and Success
It's THE OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell.
It shows us unchartered knowledge in why some people are successful and others aren't.
One of the things I got from it was the pattern of "How much practice it takes to become Great at something".
What do The Beatles, Tiger Woods, and most other great performers (meaning they do something) have in common? They each spent 10,000 hours (about 10 years) in meaningful practice before they were Great at their chosen field.
I don't mean being in business 10 years.
We're drowning in people that have been in business 10 years...
and haven't learned anything in the last nine.
I mean 10 years of daily...
at your given field of expertise.
Mine is selling.
I spent 20 years or so selling in prospects homes, taking notes on what worked & didn't work, and trying to improve.
Honestly, it took about ten years to as good as I was going to get.
The good news was that I was 90% there after only a couple of years.
How much time a day (or year) do you devote to improving your ability to sell (whatever you sell)? May I recommend buying a book on selling? SELLING RETAIL by John Lawhan is the best book on selling retail I've ever read.
It includes every facet of selling on a retail level.
You can buy a used copy for $3 on http://www.
com What I suggest is buy the book, read it, and use a magic marker to underline the stuff that teaches you something.
I've been known to rip the best ten pages out of a book, file them, and throw the rest of the book away.
Jim Rohn (Great Philosopher) said that almost every home that sells for $300,000 or more has a giant library.
Every mobile home has a giant screen TV.
There's a lesson there.