Bridal Shower Tableware - Enjoy
We get the profit of some other person's genius.
Yes, we do have to pay for it in some way, usually out of our pocketbooks, but in the long run, it is worth it.
Gone are the days of boring old white tableware for every occasion that you have.
Bridal shower tableware has taken a new direction in the last few years.
Now, you can spend literally hours poring over the catalogs and stores for every conceivable type of tableware.
These days you can choose from: Tableware that is shaped differently.
We don't see only round plates anymore.
Round is still acceptable, but it is so fun to see how creative you can be when you are planning the bridal shower.
Plates come in square and oval shapes, too.
Not only can you find them in different shapes, but you can get them in many different colors.
Literally a rainbow of colors.
From teal to purple, from magenta to gold, any hue you need is available.
If you can, match the color of the tableware to the colors that the bride has chosen.
That will help to tie in the shower with the wedding and reception.
Try to choose food that will complement the color of the plate.
Be aware that some foods will look a little awkward or uninviting if it is the exact same color as the dishes you are serving it on.
Opt instead for foods that compliment it.
Tableware for showers can be found in some really nice styles, also.
Some look like cut glass even though it is plastic.
All kinds of clear and molded types will do nicely for the needs of a bridal shower.
White is still acceptable, as always, but don't be afraid to venture out on a limb and opt for something different than what you are used to.
Now you can get printed pictures on the plates and cups.
When you are searching, try to keep in mind what the bride would like.
Her taste in decorating is important.
If she is not too overwhelmed with other things, consult with her on the kind she might like.
She probably won't care too much, but she will appreciate being thought of and knowing that her opinion matters will go a long way.
Keep in mind the type of food and the time of day.
That will determine the size of the tableware needed.
Whatever you do, enjoy it.