Golf Swing Practice and Fitness
It can be tempting to think that just improving general health and fitness and training at a driving range is enough to improve your game.
However, the golf swing is one of the most crucial elements of the game so needs a lot of work.
As it uses a combination of different muscles, then it is therefore beneficial to exercise each one of these muscle groups in order to improve the swing.
The abdominal or core muscles are used when you turn your body and working these muscles will also help overall strength.
The hamstrings help the stance and also having strong hamstrings will help to prevent lower back injury when actually carrying out the golf swing.
Quadricep muscles help to support the flexed knee position during the swing.
Having strong shoulder muscles will help to keep the club in control while it is in the air during the swing action.
Having strong forearms will help to keep the lower arm flexed through the shot, making sure that the wrists do not bend.
There are exercises that can be done on each of these muscle groups in order to make them stronger and more flexible.
It is well worth working at these exercises on a daily basis or fitting them into your regular exercise routine.
By working on each of these muscle groups as well as general golf swing practice you will find that the swing as a whole will improve.
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