Are You Too Suffering From Joint Pain?
It was my daily routine to go jogging, dance classes and join yoga sessions. I couldn't miss any of them as they helped me to stay fit. One fine morning when I was doing yoga I realized that I wasn't able to bend my knee properly. When I tried it hurt. That moment I let it go and started doing another posture. Even this movement hurt slightly but as it was not disturbing my posture I let it go and continued with it.
Days passed and so the time but I thought the pain may be because of sprain in muscles, but it wasn't the pain of sprain- it was something else. A big trouble was waiting for me to unfold the story in front of me. When finally, I realized the pain is troubling me too much I went to the best joint replacement surgeon in Delhi, suggested by my friend. He without doubt was and is one of the leading surgeons. Because of him I am able to do my work myself without any problem.
He according to me and lots of other patients is trusted and well-known knee replacement surgeon in Delhi. Till date he is known for his skills since the day he started his work. With the process of minimally invasive surgery he conducts the operation. It's painless as compared to the traditional method. It is most frequently performed for osteoarthritis, and also for other knee diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. In patients with stark malformation from advanced rheumatoid arthritis, disturbance, or extended stand-up osteoarthritis surgeries may be more difficult and carry higher risk.
Thus, Osteoporosis is the most preferred and favored option that does not typically cause knee pain, deformity, or inflammation and is not a reason to perform knee replacement. The orthopedic surgery in Delhi is carried out only when the patients suffer from weakening of cartilage defects, ligament tears and meniscus tears. So, before opting for surgery get it checked from expert, even if you are suffering from pain.
The surgery comprises replacing the contaminated or damaged joint surfaces of the knee with metal and plastic mechanisms shaped to allow continued motion of the knee. To know more about the surgery contact Dr.Shekhar Agarwal, leading joint replacement surgeon in Delhi and relief yourself from unwanted pain.