7 Traits Of A Successful Blogger - Course Review
 Whilst many courses cover the important aspects of getting set up online and setting up your blog, there are few which focus on the mentality and personality traits which may be useful to any prospective blogger.
 A course which I found covered these important aspects of blogging is Thomas Sinfield's, "7 Traits Of A Successful Blogger" Like all blogging eCourses, registration is free and done through an easy to use sign up - just give your name and email address.
 Worried about spam? Don't be - I only receive useful updates from Thomas recommending the occasional product, or super cool blog post.
Course Format The format of the course is simple.
 Upon signing up you receive the standard confirmation email where you confirm your email address.
 Soon after you receive an introduction email where Thomas introduces himself.
The course itself consists of 7 emails - which you receive daily over the course of a week.
 This is great because the content is not long winded, and gets straight to the core traits which are important.
Each email covers a different trait of a successful blogger,
- Passion
- Purpose
- Planning
- Problem Solving
- Focus
- Personality
- Money
What else? The great thing about the course is that Thomas takes you through these traits explaining how they are important to your blog.
 For example, he explains about passion making it easier through the tough times.
 Purpose, planning, problem solving and focus all give your blog a direction.
 Injecting personality to your blog is particularly important, and Thomas shares how you should let your personality shine through.
 Finally, the course finishes with an overview of how bloggers can make money from their blog.
In addition to the course, Thomas features a blog on his website, Stand Out Blogger.
 Here he is an active commenter, and engages regularly with his readers.
Do you recommend it? In a heart beat.
 This course differs from others because it guides you through the traits common amongst successful bloggers rather than a check-list of things to do.
 It is particularly useful to use the course to evaluate yourself to see if you have what it takes to become successful whilst blogging.
 I've read the content a number of times, and find myself working through the same process - follow a passion, plan out your work, then go at it with enthusiasm, personality, with a seasoning of business mindset.
Have you undertaken Thomas' course? What were your opinions? What did you like about the course? Was there anything you didn't like? If you haven't done it, check it out - I highly recommend it.