Make Money on Blogging - Sell Your Brand
Blogging can be a way of promoting yourself and your particular area of expertise.
Once you've created a name for yourself, people could hire you to do work for them.
For example, you could be hired to write content for other blogs.
Many companies outsource their blogs to freelance writers who generate the posts for the site.
Or you could be asked to set up an entire blog on a particular topic, since you've already established a track record of creating successful blogs.
If you've already proven your expertise on a specific topic, then you can use your blog to get offline work by marketing your services.
You can offer consultancy services, for instance.
You can also give lectures at conferences and seminars for a fee.
You could also write for print newspapers and journals.
Many bloggers have already made the transition from blogging to writing regular columns for print publications while maintaining their blogs.
Some bloggers even have regular spots on broadcast media such as television and radio shows.
Bloggers who have also developed an archive of worthwhile posts can also compile these into a book that they can offer to publishers.
Or they can publish it themselves and offer it to readers of their site as an e-book.
The secret to make money on blogging is to diversify.
Don't content yourself with just one option, but explore many alternatives.
And remember that perseverance and diligence will always pay off in the long run.