Blog Hints and Tips
Credible blogs make an extra effort to provide unique and engaging content, and your efforts will pay off when you are posting relevant information on a consistent basis.
In addition to the headlines, watch the quality of the content you are posting; use strong and effective language to deliver your message, and provide links and references to material as necessary.
Editing your blog regularly is just as important as writing it and it should always be free of typos and grammatical errors.
Blog entries are designed to be short, concise, and compelling; avoid turning the blog into an article repository, and write blog posts that are only 300-500 words in length at max.
If you do want readers to read an article, direct them to your company website where they can view it in a different format, or provide a link to its home on the web.
It's best to maintain consistency throughout your blog so that readers can become accustomed to your voice, tone, and style.
As you develop each piece of content, make sure you are providing references to sources.
Even if you are redirecting users away from your blog homepage, you can use settings where the link opens in a new window.
This will help them stay on your blog page if they need to, and providing the right references will help you establish credibility and authority on the subject naturally.
Common sense is always a big one - be thinking about what you expect when you visit a blog!