Truck Accident Lawyer A Real Help During Your Bad Time
One of the major reasons for accidents involving these massive motor vehicles is exhaustion by the truck operators. The fact is that driving for long stretches of time in the best of circumstances can make a person tedious and sleepy. However, truckers usually have to make deadlines and are on a tight schedule. These individuals sometimes skimp on sleep to haul their loads to the destination on time. While no truck operators are likely to be rolling in the dough, in their line of work, time is money, isnt? In fact, they must keep up a rigorous schedule on the road so as to make ends meet financially. Unluckily, exhausted rig operators are the individuals who create a dangerous situation for all on the road.
It is so imperative that these motor drivers are well rested that there is a law mandating that logs be kept of hours on the highways. It has been noticed that most of these logs are manually recorded, however new federal regulations are instructing that trucking firm's owners install automatic electric recording equipment so as to have a better handle on oversight. This would be an excellent investment in safety for all concerned. Insurance firms would likely give the best possible rate to cover drivers of vehicles from these updated fleets. While it may be pricey to install the new device initially, it would make sense over the long haul.
Truck accident lawyer takes cases on a contingency basis. Simply put this means that rather than ask the client to pay up front for legal assistance, an agreed upon percentage of a settlement would be handed over upon the completion of the case. If a settlement were not reached, the legal representative would not be paid. Most of the lawyers will interview the individuals involved in the accident to find out if wrongdoing has occurred. If negligence is proven, the injured party will most like win the case and receive a monetary settlement as well.