Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Using Simple BV Cures
It is possible to get rid of vaginal odor using some basic BV cures that do not involve medicines and antibiotics.
You see the odor is caused when the bad bacterial starts dominating the vagina by suppressing the good bacteria.
So the easiest way to overcome this problem is to promote the growth of good protective bacteria.
Most drugs and antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria, both good and bad.
However after the effect of antibiotics is over the bad bacteria is able to grow back much faster and this is why you get repeated bacterial vaginosis infections.
A combination of methods that involve promoting the growth of good bacteria, simple hygiene and diet changes can help to get rid of vaginal odor and BV.
The most crucial step here is to avoid douching and use of soaps and detergents.
Douching disturbs the overall balance of the vaginal environment.
Soaps and detergents are harsh on the vaginal skin and cause more irritation and itching.
Use plain water to wash your vagina twice a day.
After wash you should use a cotton cloth to dry the area properly.
You need to avoid moisture buildup in order to get rid of vaginal odor and bacteria infection.
Restore the vaginal flora as quickly as possible to get relief from this problem.
Don't get lured by those fancy panties and undergarments made from synthetic material.
These may appear attractive however they cause harm to the vaginal skin.
Use plain cotton panties that can absorb moisture and allow some air to circulate.
Air circulation is important if you want to get rid of vaginal odor.
Eat probiotics curd and buttermilk to improve the growth of good bacteria in the body.
As the number of good bacteria increases in the vagina you will get rid of vaginal odor and vaginosis within no time.
You can speed up the growth of good bacteria by applying curd to the vagina using a tampon.
Improved body immunity is essential if you want to prevent BV from coming back.
Including fruits, vegetables, almonds, acai berry and green tea in your daily diet plan can help in improving body immunity.
Many of these items have high antioxidants that improve body immunity.
Not only will you get rid of vaginal odor and BV but also prevent many other ailments.
Ideally you should avoid any sexual intercourse until you are free of bacterial vaginosis.
It is also believed that switching of sexual partners is one of the reasons for BV.
So if you want to get rid of vaginal odor fast refrain from switching sexual partners.
Use an external contraceptive if you indulge in sex.
Smoking cigarettes and certain food items are also considered bad for bacterial vaginosis.
Avoid sugary items and fast food.
Also cut down on fried items that have fats and oil.
Stop smoking immediately to get rid of vaginal odor and BV.
If you can quit smoking your overall health will also improve.