Trading Strategies in Indian Nifty Future Market
Money Management Rules for Trading in Nifty Futures Services:
Use Trailing Stop Loss to Protect Capital
Before initiating a trade you should always decide the amount of money you are prepared to lose should the trade go wrong. You must honestly answer this question: What would happen if I lose X% of my money? Would it affect my mental well-being, my family life, my lifestyle, etc.? You must be emotionally and financially prepared to face the consequences of being stopped in your trade. You should also weigh the odds of each trade. Usually, an average person has about 50:50 odds of making money on any trade. A Nifty futures trade which is based on technical analysis and market insight and understanding improves the odds in your favor to 60:40. So if ten trades are executed, six of them are likely to make money. Two out of ten may initially go in the predicted direction but then lose. The other two are likely to lose straightway.
Can we increase these odds to 80:20? We can do so by placing break-even stops at the right place corresponding to the amount of initial risk you are willing to take on a trade. By doing so, you cannot lose eight times out of ten. If you do not lose eight times out of ten, and lose only 20 points the other two times, you will end up a winner.
The keys to a futures trader,¬,,s success area unit usually data, hard work, a disciplined approach and a dedication of master to their profession.
Though there are varied studies on developed country nifty futures markets, there are few in-depth studies of such markets in rising countries like Republic of India.
The objectives of the study are:
1. Investigate the extent of mercantilism volume at expiration day/expiration week as compared to comparison cluster.
2. To seek out whether or not the mean come back at expiation day/week is considerably completely different from that of comparison cluster.
3. To research whether or not value reversal on days following expiration day/ expiration week is completely different than for the comparison cluster.
Investors might use the futures exchange to find the new equilibrium value, wherever the mean of this equilibrium value is also transmitted to the commodity exchange. Larger potency of value discovery of nifty futures tips exchange might facilitate investors with additional economical methods for hedging and speculating in futures.