We Need to Wake All the Humans Up - But How Do We Keep Them From Falling Asleep Again?
They now rely on the government for almost everything, including a paycheck, retirement, medical services, and just about everything else.
In fact, there are almost 40,000,000 people on food stamps.
I ask you what's left? We need to wake up all the humans in the United States to remind them of their responsibility to self, family, and to this great nation as well.
Indeed, I've tried to wake folks up, seriously I've been trying, but then something like Facebook comes along and puts everyone back to sleep again, or some yo-yo starts making speeches and all the sheeple follow the pied piper all over again? Apparently, there are just too many lazy people who want something for nothing, and are willing to follow the first person that promises it to them.
It seems unfortunate because we come from a proud and strong nation, and our families have come from all over the world to build this great country, it didn't happen by itself.
For some reason folks are getting lazy now, and they're falling asleep, they are lackadaisical, and they've become far too politically correct to even consider the fact that they become fat, dumb, and stupid.
There's no reason for Americans to act like this, and yet they do, and it is quite self evident when we look at the poll results after each election, that we have a problem.
It seems that Americans were woken up after 9/11, and they were woken up again after the big financial crisis, and yet as things returned to normal and the jobs come back it seems that they will just fall asleep again.
Nothing good in life is easy, but when folks start expecting it, or believing they can get free stuff with no responsibility for the future, America is in big trouble.
It seems unfortunate that we need catastrophes, natural disasters, economic crisis, or even an act of war against our country to wake people up - it doesn't have to be that way.
Our history should be enough to remind us not to fall asleep, and to give each and every one of us a sense of responsibility.
Not only to ourselves, but also to our family, neighbors, nation, and the children of the world.
We are the single greatest nation ever created in the history of mankind, and we should start acting like it again.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.