Bed Bug Control - Frequently Asked Questions About Bed Bugs
Today, I will be discussing some of the most frequently asked questions regarding bed mites, which will help you understand more about the effective bed bug control methods that you can use.
What is a Bed Bug? It is a very small insect that lives by feeding on the blood of warm-blooded hosts such as humans.
This insect is most active during the night.
Bed mites are as big as an apple seed and can easily be seen with the naked eye.
The problem is that they are often hiding in cracks and crevices of the walls or the furniture, which is why an unsuspecting victim cannot easily find them.
How Does a Bed Bug Bite Feel? These are painless bites and can often go unnoticed by a person.
Soon enough these bites will turn into large and itchy welts.
Although a bug bite is not fatal to humans, there are some cases wherein an irritation or infection starts from a simple bug bite.
How Does an Infestation Start? Bed mites don't come inside your house, they are brought there.
An infested luggage, used furniture, clothes, and mattresses are some of the most common carriers of bed mites.
These pests can transfer from an apartment to another through cracks or crevices, but they cannot fly.
An infestation can start anytime so it would be better if you are going to take extra precautionary measures in order to avoid the infestation from starting.
How Can You Determine Whether Your House Is Infested? Since bed mites can be seen by the naked eye, the best clue that you can have is when you found the bed mite itself.
Blood stains on the mattress coming from crushed insects are also a good sign of infestation.
If anyone in your house is experiencing itchy welts, then there is a good chance that the house is infested with bed mites.
How to Conduct an Effective Bed Bug Treatment In order to get rid of bed mites, you need to know how you can conduct an effective bed bug control procedure.
There are a lot of things that you can do in order to get rid of these pests, and although it is possible that you can do it by yourself, it would still be better if you are going to contact professional exterminators to get the job done.