Flea Removal - The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas From Your Upholstery
Simply getting rid of them on your upholstery is not the answer to your problem.
It is important to know that when you have pets at home, it is not uncommon to have flea pets as they might have become infested when playing with strays or any other infested pets.
In fact, by the time you realised that you upholstery is infested, you are indeed fighting a infestation.
Flea removal requires a comprehensive plan as well as pet flea treatment too.
Your main objective is to kill each and every flea in your home as well as do your best to ensure that they do not re infest.
Here are the steps to effective flea removal.
To start, give all your children good bath and scrub down.
Then send away for a day or two while you clean up at home.
Now your serious cleaning can commence.
Understand that the dreaded parasites can be present almost in any nook or crevasses, even between floor boards and that just a few surviving parasites could literally re infest you home again.
Start by vacuuming every inch of your home carefully, everywhere from flooring to couches, draperies etc.
On completion, get rid of the vacuum bag immediately by either putting it into an air tight plastic bag before disposing it, or better still, burn it.
When cleaning the home with a solution of detergent and hot water or simply with a steam cleaner, ensure that you do a thorough job.
Wash all bedding, especially those of your pets.
Detergent and water will help you get rid of the fleas easily.
One area which most of us tend to forget is your car.
Regardless of whether your pet take car rides often, the car must be vacuumed and cleaned thoroughly as well.
Specifically for the upholstery, you need to first vacuum the entire couch, then run a steam cleaner slowly along every inch of it.
This should help you get rid of all parasites.
And now you are ready to clean up your pet.
Use shampoo and combs for a thorough bath.
Use spray on their bedding to prevent re infestation.
In more serious cases, you will need the help of flea pills Use natural repellents like lavender, pennyroyal, cedar etc to ensure a parasite free home.
To maintain a parasite free environment, you need to regularly execute the flea removal plan including regular home cleaning, as well as the right pet flea treatment.