We Are All Macaca
The deals they cut to get there, make them servants of the rich.
Since their presence in Washington proclaims they have a price, the super rich investigate and pay that price, keeping the best puppet monkeys in office election after election.
If they need to replace a puppet monkey, they can hire a replacement next election or create a public scandal, since the super rich know all the secrets and weaknesses of each and every monkey puppet in Washington D.
and probably every state capitol as well.
In turn, the American people are all monkey puppets of the Washington monkey puppets.
They tell us to fear and we fear.
They tell us to pay and we pay.
They tell us to vote and we vote.
They tell us to kill and we kill.
They tell us to suffer and we suffer.
They tell us to sacrifice and we sacrifice.
They tell us to buy and we buy.
They tell us which drugs to buy and we buy those drugs.
They tell us to believe their lies and we believe their lies.
We like being monkey puppets as much as they do and they depend on it.
In a monkey democracy, monkey puppets rule, so the more the better.
And if some elitist monkey puppet calls us macaca, it is pointless to take it personally.
We will soon get over it.
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