Learn Why The Number One Parenting Skill Is Consistency
Most people have their own unique style of parenting that is probably a combination of multiple styles. Studies done on parenting have actually found that some people have a dominant style of parenting. In a world that's ideal, a parent would be conscious of how they're behaving toward their child. Once done, then any flaws or negative approaches will be addressed and replaced with more positive behavior. Even though this happens with a certain amount of parents, it does not occur to the whole spectrum. All that can happen is people read the available information out there and apply it.
There is such a tremendous amount of change occurring in teenage children, and actually many could be offended by being called, teenage "children". Once a teen has advanced to the upper teens, they deserve to be call young adults. The most important thing to realize is teens are slowly entering the time to become more independent of the family structure, or unit. That implies they are becoming more independent of their parents - you. Then the apparent conformation both mentally and physically will come into play at some point down the road.
Inconsistency in the way that a parent raises their child has to do with a variety of issues. Of course it takes effort to be consistent across the board, and there may be times when it suffers for the sake of inconvenience. We totally understand that everything becomes much more difficult for single parents. The best thing you can do is to simply try your best and make an effort each and every day to be consistent no matter how much it hurts.
Consistency can replace inconsistency as long as everyday decisions are contemplated thoroughly before making them.
All parents, or most at least, want only good things for their kids; it is natural because they love their children. You need to be practicing good parenting as much as you can. Be careful that you do not set your children up by establishing impossible goals or expectations that are too high in an unhealthy way. Your child's competence plays a big part in defining that balance that you must strike when being a parent. It's OK to anticipate good things from your child, but don't expect too much as you will add unneeded pressure and worry to your child. These years can wear on the entire family; thank goodness it is short lived for everybody's sake. Remember the good old days and some of the ways your parenting skills allowed great results with your children.
There is such a tremendous amount of change occurring in teenage children, and actually many could be offended by being called, teenage "children". Once a teen has advanced to the upper teens, they deserve to be call young adults. The most important thing to realize is teens are slowly entering the time to become more independent of the family structure, or unit. That implies they are becoming more independent of their parents - you. Then the apparent conformation both mentally and physically will come into play at some point down the road.
Inconsistency in the way that a parent raises their child has to do with a variety of issues. Of course it takes effort to be consistent across the board, and there may be times when it suffers for the sake of inconvenience. We totally understand that everything becomes much more difficult for single parents. The best thing you can do is to simply try your best and make an effort each and every day to be consistent no matter how much it hurts.
Consistency can replace inconsistency as long as everyday decisions are contemplated thoroughly before making them.
All parents, or most at least, want only good things for their kids; it is natural because they love their children. You need to be practicing good parenting as much as you can. Be careful that you do not set your children up by establishing impossible goals or expectations that are too high in an unhealthy way. Your child's competence plays a big part in defining that balance that you must strike when being a parent. It's OK to anticipate good things from your child, but don't expect too much as you will add unneeded pressure and worry to your child. These years can wear on the entire family; thank goodness it is short lived for everybody's sake. Remember the good old days and some of the ways your parenting skills allowed great results with your children.