Smart Reasons to Have A Prepaid Debit Card
Check Cashing Locations - you can avoid these costly and high fee businesses by having your employer deposit your funds directly into your prepaid debit card account.
Keep Track of Your Funds - no need to worry about carrying around cash as your debit card holds all of your money. What's more, a debit card cannot be used by anyone else unless they know your personal I.D. number. Therefore, do not share your P.I.N. with anyone!
Toll-Free Phone Help - help is as close as the toll free number listed on your card. No phone charges, no long distance phone call fees!
Online and Offline Access - use your card at stores or use it online when you shop on the internet.
Take your card from Job-to-Job - you control the card and you can give your account number to new employers who can send direct deposits in to your account.
Low cost fees - fees are much lower than what you would pay at any check cashing location.
Easy to Purchase - accepted anywhere that VISA and MasterCard are accepted which is almost everywhere!
No Credit Check or Bank Account Required - if you are on the go, a debit card is right for you. No need to worry about maintaining a checking account and no worries if your credit rating isn't that good.
No Security Deposits - the funds in your account belong to you, plain and simple.
Pay your bills over the phone - pay in person, pay online, or pay over the phone with your prepaid debit card.
Set up Automatic Bill Payments - have your account automatically debited to pay cable bills, the phone company, your cell bill, whatever recurring payments that you have.
A prepaid debit card is smart, affordable, and very convenient. Apply for one today and soon you will realize the many benefits that this type of card has to offer to you.