Dealing With Behavior Problems in Children – 7 Ways To Transform Bad Behavior Into Good Behavior

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"Help! Why is my child always misbehaving" is the heartfelt cry of many parents who are constantly frustrated by their little one's naughty behaviour. But behaviour problems in children, are quite normal and there are a number of ways that behaviour can be modified and misbehaviour prevented.

All children misbehave; it is a natural part of their development. They are constantly trying to figure out how their complex world works. As they develop they are seeking to master the things that they need and are constantly trying to find out where the boundaries lie. This can be particularly frustrating for parents but it is quite normal and actually offers parents an opportunity to really make a difference in their child's life.

Here are seven suggestions as to how you can effectively reduce bad behaviour so that you can both live a calmer, happier life. How good would that be?

(1) Preventing misbehaviour is easier than dealing with misbehaviour. It will be easier on both of you if you can actually prevent a bout of bad behavior rather than have to deal with it once it has occurred. Simple changes in their surroundings can be particularly effective, as it helps prevent them becoming frustrated by allowing them to satisfy their natural curiosity for learning.

Behaviour problems in children can actually be caused by the parent, so if you are facing a lot of misbehaviour, take a careful look at your own behaviour.

Plan ahead so that you prevent bad behaviour before it happens.

(2) Interesting play will help keep them out of mischief. One of the main causes of misbehaviour is boredom, so giving a child interesting things to do will help prevent them becoming bored and misbehaving. Children who are involved in interesting play activities are normally relaxed and happy. Resist the last resort of sitting them in front of a television as a way to keep them out of mischief.

(3) Apply rules that are reasonable, flexible and consistently enforced. Children need rules, they feel more secure when they know what to do. Parents are great at making rules - don't to this, don't do that. Often there are so many they forget what they have said! Make a few reasonable rules but involve your child when doing so and explain why they are so important. They are more likely to abide by them if they understand them.

Having set the rules, be consistent in enforcing them, but be flexible enough that abnormal situations are easily dealt with, without confusing your child.

(4) Set good examples of self control and kindness. Children learn through imitation so one of the most effective ways to prevent misbehaviour is to set a good example yourself.

(5) Allow the child to make a choice between two acceptable forms of behaviour. This not only prevents bad behaviour but also helps your child learn to make good decisions.

(6) Get child's attention before giving instructions. Many bouts of bad behaviour are caused because the child was fully involved in what they were doing and did not hear the instruction. It takes time for a child to switch their attention, so, if you are going to say something important, ensure that you do have the child's full attention.

(7) Give a warning before changing a child's activities. Like adults, children do not like to be interrupted when engaged in some activity. So, give a warning that soon it will be time to for them to change what they are doing.

If you think that they may be worth trying, then give each technique a two week trial period to allow time for you to fully assess the results. Try one technique at a time, as solving behaviour problem in children through forming new habits, does take time. However, once you have become accustomed to the new habit it will quickly become totally natural to you both.

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