Plain and Practical Career Advice Book "Do What You Are" - Review
Although the concept given by these two thorough psychologist researchers (Paul D.
Tieger & Barbara Barron Tieger) are well established for several years now, but frankly, it was the first time for me that I was reading and trying to understand about the 16 types of personalities.
What are these 16 types of personalities by the way? I wanted to know more...
How can the entire population of about 7 billion people be just divided into these 16 types? How can it be like that? I had more skepticism on my mind than the positivity.
Anyhow I decided to give it a go.
Right from the start of the book "Do What You Are "was so interesting, I felt gripped to read on and know more.
That's what I did.
The strange awkward four letter combination like ENFP, ESFJ, ENFJ, INTP, etc initially sounded silly & stupid without making any sense to me.
But later, they actually proved to be magical letters.
As I continued, I didn't know much about what these personality types are and how effective they would be.
The only way for me to validate were two ways: 1 - To do further research and know more about the reliability and validity of these concepts in its practical application on others.
2 - The second way was to apply it on me first.
So I started my journey first to apply it on me in order to validate this model and convince myself first about these concepts.
Well, in short, it helped to change my life to a great extent the way I look at it now.
I guess it threw the most impactful impression on my mind.
I have read many more similar books in life especially on career and self-improvement.
Many of these have their own unique angles to address human life and mind and they definitely are good and also add value.
But this book "Do What You Are " completely addresses a different subject and makes it much more simplified to know about ourselves through a proper proven and validated system.
The first confusion and complexity about life and human being is that majority of us still don't know `who actually we are' or `who actually we are meant to be'.
We just live and design our lives based on many factors like family influences, cultural norms, friends' influences, society, schooling etc.
and we start becoming very practical and intelligent (that's what we think).
But the fact remains that most of us end up living mediocre lives.
Why it is like that then? Probably after when we retire from work we will have time to think about it...
"Do What You Are " simply helped me to understand what job and work I should choose which will interest me more, which will connect with my innate talents, which will help me to do more & more of it, which will help me to excel in it, and which will help me to enjoy it all of my life.
Well, one important point to learn is that it doesn't matter, if the talents which we eventually find relate to something very ordinary and small.
In many cases, you may like to dream of becoming a doctor, but on the contrary, you may hate the look of medicines and injured people, whereas you may only like to draw sketches.
In that case, definitely becoming a doctor may be much more impressive, society friendly and gets you more money in life.
On the other hand, the route for drawing sketches, concentrating on it may not bring you much money or the kind of status, doctor or lawyer or business tycoon can enjoy.
The writer, the traveler, the musician, the actor, the researcher, the journalist, many more of such kinds may not apparently give you the feel that it can bring good money and status, and you may have your own requirements or family pressures to earn more in life.
That is where when we deviate from our innate talents and get on the bandwagon.
But you should know that there are chances that even if by other influences you happen to become a doctor or lawyer, still you may end up having an ordinary living because you may not be doing that great work to patients which any other passionate doctor or lawyer can do and also you may likely have a burn-out after 10 or more years.
So eventually may enter in a lose-lose situation in future.
On the other hand, if you choose to stick to your innate talents and aptitude (be it small or ordinary), the initial route may not show you big rewards, status or money, but after years of commitment and hard work it starts opening up new opportunities for you.
That's the kind of patience which is required after we know about ourselves through "Do What You Are.
" Having read "Do What You Are" is one thing but trying to apply it on you is the real deal.
I am very confident that it will help you as it has helped me to unclutter the confusion for myself.
Through this book - I turned out to be an "ENFP" - Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving.
I was doing a job in a bank in Operations for more than 10 years.
Now if you happen to read about who ENFPs are like in this book "Do What You Are", you will come to understand why I was at the wrong place for so many years.
It has changed now.
I am in 'Communications/Advertising' field and involved in writing, graphics and creativity.
Though, I was blessed to get such an opportunity in life recently, but that's what now I think I am moving closer to what I am.
The book has helped me to establish clarity about me and my life to a large extent which indeed is a great feeling.
Every day, when you wake up, you feel fresh right from the first hour and feel fully geared up for the day ahead.
That's all what matters in the short term.
With this approach in mind, you automatically will achieve your long term goals and dreams too.
Just try to focus on the small gains and what matters most to you in the short term that will lead you to big victories.
"Do What You Are" has become one of my favorite books.
I feel like preaching about this book to all...
This feeling is simply based on my own research and experience and the impact it had on my life.
But I urge you to read it with positive frame of mind and by giving sufficient committed time to help you understand the concepts.
I wish you luck if you do happen to grab this book...
By Zeerik Ahmad