Things to Put on Sweet Sixteen Invitations
- Invitations for a sweet sixteen party should be interesting and invitation image by robert mobley from <a href=''></a>
A sweet sixteen birthday party should be a special, memorable event for the birthday boy or girl, as well as for the guests. One way to get a start in the right direction when planning a sweet sixteen party is to use creative, interesting invitations. The overall look and content of your birthday invitation can affect whether potential guests will be interested in attending. Sweet sixteen invitations can also set the tone for the theme of the special party. - One way to document how much your teenager has grown is to include a baby picture on the invitation. You could place the title, "All Grown Up" on the invitation, along with a request that all party goers bring a picture of themselves as a baby, as well. Also ask that each person write his name on the back of the picture. This type of invitation is an introduction to a fun game that you can play at the party. Collect all of the baby pictures and post them in a visible location, along with a number beside each picture. Have sheets of paper with the same numbers on them and a supply of pens or pencils. Encourage those attending the party to stop by the display and try to name as many babies as they can. Then have them sign their guessing paper and place it in a container near the display. At some point in the party you can let the kids disclose which picture is theirs and award a prize to the person with the most correct guesses.
- Another fun type of invitation is an event ticket. You can order these from party stores and websites. The invitation looks just like an actual event ticket. The ticket should have an exciting headline, such as "Live Event: Samantha Johnson's Sweet Sixteen." The places on the ticket that indicate where you would sit (such as section, row and seat) should all say "16." Be sure to include basic information, such as when and where the party will be held, along with a request to R.S.V.P. if desired.
- This type of invitation works well for a sweet sixteen party in which you feature a DJ or a live band. You can create this invitation yourself, as well, if you have a little artistic talent and a means of making color copies. Draw a picture of an MP3 player. Color the player a bright color and write in the party specifics such as name, time, place and type of entertainment on the screen of the player. You can also add a title at the top of the player such as "iParty" or "MP3-16."