The Three Things Every Girl Needs to Attract a Guy
Play Your Cards Right Every poker player knows that it's not the cards you're dealt but the way you play them that counts.
That being so, how can you best play your cards? This may take a bit of a mindset reversal for some of you.
For whatever reason, some women are used to looking at their bad points, and being self-critical in a way they'd never let any outsider get away with.
So you need to stop doing that right now, and look at all your good points instead.
It doesn't matter what they are, you will have some features of yourself that you like and that you can use to your advantage.
Highlight them in discreet and subtle ways, using jewellery, flattering clothes or hair accessories.
Your aim is to draw his eye to those places, like a series of clues leading to the buried treasure.
Flirtation A fine art.
Almost everything can be flirtatious if it's said in the right way.
But you can be equally flirtatious without saying anything at all.
Perfect your most dazzling smile, flash your eyes, lightly touch the guy on his arm or hand as you're talking - these are all powerfully flirtatious ways to attract a guy.
Confidence Wear it like perfume.
Confidence is the single most attractive quality anybody can have, because we all desire it, male and female.
So act as confidently as you possibly can.
Pretend if necessary.
Ask yourself what your favorite movie star would do in this situation, and act accordingly.
Once you've understood the arts of dressing to impress, flirtation and confidence you need to go out and practice them.
The final tip to attract a guy is to get yourself to places where the sort of guys you're interested in hang out, and put your skills to good use.