Ancient Ayurvedic Knowledge Could it Be the Solution to Pollution?

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We live in an era when humanity, for the first time in recorded history, has brought into question the future existence of all life on our planet.
Largely man-made pollution of staggering proportions threatens the entire biosphere and every species of life that have their lives within it.
Many of today's prominent scientists have already said , alluding to the proverbial Doomsday Clock "it is not five minutes to twelve; it is five minutes past twelve.
What can we do to avert the impending destruction of our way of life, our health and our freedoms, our world due to climate change and choking toxic pollution which gains ground slowly each and every day encroaching upon our very lives like a thief in the night? Recycling? Reduce garbage by opting for less packaging? Reduction of CO2 emissions? Reduction of pollution of the atmosphere ground and water caused by industry and agriculture? Unfortunately it is doubtful given the worldwide economic agenda and the headlong pursuit of economic expansion at all costs.
Emerging economies are also adding more fuel to the fire in their efforts to achieve super nation status.
All these efforts are good and necessary.
Unfortunately however, all of these tasks, even if they all could be accomplished today, would still not be enough to avert the coming global scale destruction of life as we know it.
This is the meaning of; "already five minutes past twelve".
Considering that the present level of pollution is sufficient in itself to threaten all life on our planet there is little doubt the planet is in dire trouble according all the authorities on the subject.
In alarmingly critical times such as these it would seem sensible for us all to take a closer look at alternatives that, although different and relatively unknown, may offer a more comprehensive means of cleaning up the mess we have collectively created.
This would be true particularly if the alternatives were able to bring about a total and sustainable solution that carried with them a minimal price tag as well as numerous additional and highly desirable benefits.
Homa Organic Farming purports to be just such a solution.
Briefly described Homa Organic Farming involves burning specific organic materials in a copper-pyramid vessel at the exact moment of sunrise and sunset daily.
The word pyramid acctually means fire amid.
In addition these daily fires are attended by a specific vibration input (a mantra) resulting in what some refer to as a powerful and purificatory effect in the locality where it is performed.
Those who perform daily Homa have witnessed these symptoms of rejuvenation as evidenced by the return of fish, fowl and insects to polluted places where the fires are performed with regularity.
The micro and macro fauna also return after which the soils are rejuvenated and once again able to sustain life.
Local water resources and wells are purified by regular and prescribed performance of the Homa called Agnihotra.
This has been documented and verified on almost every continent of the globe.
The honey bees, important to pollination of plants and crops, are somehow attracted to the performance of these healing Homa fires as well, taking up residence in every know location where Homa is regularly performed throughout the world.
This is vitally important to note as honey bee populations seem to be rapidly dying off on a global scale.
This, many scientists are saying, should be our wake up call to action because without honey bees man dies of starvation.
It's that simple! In South America Homa Organic Farming is credited with saving thousands of hectares of farm land lost to the poisons used to destroy the coca plantations.
These farm lands, as a result of the U.
DEA's use of chemical sprays were totally incapable of supporting plants or crops.
Those who witnessed these chemicals being sprayed said that if a drop got on your car it would put a hole in it.
The Columbian government's first solution was to give the land to local farmers and see if it could be rehabilitated into usable and productive farm land.
This was at first an impossible undertaking and one that cost the farmers dearly.
It seems that they were sold fertilizers and other so called soil enhancing chemicals on credit which turned out to be ineffective to deal with the already chemically toxic conditions.
Imagine that? Not long after this Mr.
Vasant Paranjpe and Dr.
Gloria Guzman a professor of horticulture and botany introduced Homa Organic Farming principles to the villagers of which Agnihotra is the major component.
The farmers in these areas when they learned of the effectiveness of Agnihotra healing people of disease began to use these methods on the land and within 3 months they were growing cash crops like vanilla and coffee on this very same land.
In fact the Colombian Government issued a formal declaration that essentially said we don't know how but in every case where Homa Organic Farming has been employed truly miraculous results have been experienced.
Could something so simple as cyclic healing fires be the answer for today's pollution problem.
All the evidence thus far acquired seems to suggest so.
It should also be pointed out that all knowledge is useless unless it is put to use.
One proven effective solution has now been put forward.
In any case what must be done can only be done at the local community level.
People everywhere you must unite with others in your local communities and villages and in so doing take responsibility for your fair share of our planetary problems.
Then maybe we can all begin to feel a little better about our global community and its many wondrous possibilities for the future but not until we clean up our own back yards.
Homa Organic Farming would be a great start in any community that sees the wisdom of doing so.
First order must be to secure the local food supply this may even mean growing your own foods.
To be certain the governments of the world will not save us nor could they, neither will the scientists nor big business, nor the academics.
If we are to protect our homes and families we will each and every one of us have to take it upon ourselves beginning within our own communities to accomplish what no one else could.
The healing of our homes and neighborhoods and ultimately our beloved planet Earth will result from us growing our own foods locally using Homa Organic Farming methods.
A man dying of thirst does not ask if the water is Kosher or if it has been blessed by the Pope he simply needs a drink of water.
Homa Organic Farming looks to be a tall glass of water indeed hopefully mankind will drink of it and discover its numerous benefits and vitally important role in saving the Earth from immanent destruction.
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