Make It A Month Of Inspirational Leadership
This Could Be Your Best August Ever
by Michael D. Hume, M.S.
Last night, I happened to be headed to bed just before midnight. As I often do at bedtime, I reflected on the day, and recalled that I'd seen another spectacular Western sunset earlier in the evening, and realized I'd actually watched the sun go down on July, 2011.
As I looked out at the dark, sparsely-lit landscape that had been, a few hours earlier, the scene of blazing sunset color, I counted down the last few minutes of the month, and quietly welcomed August. I spent a few minutes reflecting on how July went, and how the month had changed me, and what progress had been made on my personal mission of health, wealth, and inspirational leadership.
I had a good July in terms of my health. I moved forward in my disciplined approach to the five key daily health habits I call The NEWSS: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sleep, and Supplements. I definitely feel healthier than I did on July 1, and my increased stamina, energy, and optimism are evidence that I probably am healthier than I was a month ago.
I want to make even more progress on my health in August.
I also "moved the ball" on my business, which is my main tool to build and protect my personal wealth. More importantly, I worked to create new opportunities for others to build and protect their wealth, and to embrace their "inner Entrepreneur." While politicians, economists, and media pundits spent the month arguing about the shambles they've all made of the American economy, I spent my energy focusing on the solution; it's more obvious now than ever that they will be the entrepreneurs among us who will lead us to better times of more strength and prosperity, if anyone can.
I'd love to create even more entrepreneurial opportunities and wealth-building possibilities, for myself and for others, in August.
July was an inspiring month, too. I became a bit more of an inspirational leader in July because I became a slightly more inspired person than I was a month ago. From the wonderful "block party" Colonel Wife and I hosted on Independence Day, to the fun time we spent with her folks in the mountains, to the time we got to have with our adult offspring, to the pure beauty of the summer landscape here in Colorado, to the people we met and the things we learned and the music we made and the new ideas we explored... July was a wonderful month of inspiration.
I can't wait for the new inspirations I'll get in August. I find myself filled with a happy anticipation that rivals the best Christmases of my childhood.
Welcome to August, 2011. It could be the best month of the year, the best August of your life, maybe even the best month of your life. I hope so! Reflect on your health, wealth, and inspiration... and see if you can't add a generous portion of each to your life before the first of September rolls around.
by Michael D. Hume, M.S.
Last night, I happened to be headed to bed just before midnight. As I often do at bedtime, I reflected on the day, and recalled that I'd seen another spectacular Western sunset earlier in the evening, and realized I'd actually watched the sun go down on July, 2011.
As I looked out at the dark, sparsely-lit landscape that had been, a few hours earlier, the scene of blazing sunset color, I counted down the last few minutes of the month, and quietly welcomed August. I spent a few minutes reflecting on how July went, and how the month had changed me, and what progress had been made on my personal mission of health, wealth, and inspirational leadership.
I had a good July in terms of my health. I moved forward in my disciplined approach to the five key daily health habits I call The NEWSS: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sleep, and Supplements. I definitely feel healthier than I did on July 1, and my increased stamina, energy, and optimism are evidence that I probably am healthier than I was a month ago.
I want to make even more progress on my health in August.
I also "moved the ball" on my business, which is my main tool to build and protect my personal wealth. More importantly, I worked to create new opportunities for others to build and protect their wealth, and to embrace their "inner Entrepreneur." While politicians, economists, and media pundits spent the month arguing about the shambles they've all made of the American economy, I spent my energy focusing on the solution; it's more obvious now than ever that they will be the entrepreneurs among us who will lead us to better times of more strength and prosperity, if anyone can.
I'd love to create even more entrepreneurial opportunities and wealth-building possibilities, for myself and for others, in August.
July was an inspiring month, too. I became a bit more of an inspirational leader in July because I became a slightly more inspired person than I was a month ago. From the wonderful "block party" Colonel Wife and I hosted on Independence Day, to the fun time we spent with her folks in the mountains, to the time we got to have with our adult offspring, to the pure beauty of the summer landscape here in Colorado, to the people we met and the things we learned and the music we made and the new ideas we explored... July was a wonderful month of inspiration.
I can't wait for the new inspirations I'll get in August. I find myself filled with a happy anticipation that rivals the best Christmases of my childhood.
Welcome to August, 2011. It could be the best month of the year, the best August of your life, maybe even the best month of your life. I hope so! Reflect on your health, wealth, and inspiration... and see if you can't add a generous portion of each to your life before the first of September rolls around.