Start a Small Business - It"s Time to Make the Scariest Decision of Your Life
If you want to take full control of your financial destiny and you don't want anyone else to tell you how much money you can make or when you can make it, it's time to get on the bus and start your own business.
Read on to find out why you should make the scariest decision of your life.
It's time to quit your job, or at least work towards quitting.
If you are fed up with making your boss rich and have nothing to show for it at the end of the day except for a bunch of unpaid bills and a full email box, then small business is for you.
It will be the most stressful and most rewarding thing you will ever do in your life.
The risks are high, but the rewards are great.
Small business is the backbone of this country and much of the world.
The big companies all grew out of small businesses and it's the dreams of entrepreneurs that still put a spark in the eyes of consumers.
If you start a small business, you will have to really be committed to your dream at the expense of many other things, mostly free time.
Be prepared to eat, sleep, and breathe your dream for the next few years as you try to move a battleship with a goldfish.
As your business picks up steam, you will have to be less and less involved, with the possibility of selling it later for a huge payoff.
Your small business will become a part of your family life as well.
Everyone in your family will have to understand the commitment necessary before you start out on this journey, because it will be hard.
Try not to borrow money as much as you can.
Avoid putting a business loan against your house as well.
If you business does not work, you don't want to lose your house too.
Bootstrap your business for as long as possible in order to stay in the game.
As soon as the bank starts telling you how to operate things, the farther away your dream can get pushed.
Selling is the number one thing that you need to focus on.
Get customers as soon as possible.
Without them, there is no business, just a dream.
Save the furniture shopping and fancy desks for later.
Sit on the floor and cold-call if you have to, just sell no matter what, every day.
When you are not selling you should be promoting your business through marketing and looking for more avenues to bring in revenue.
The more legs you can add to your revenue stool, the longer it will stand.
Good luck.
It will be a great ride.