I Have Red Wine On My Carpet, Now What?
Bleaches, tile cleaners, mildew removers, oven cleaners and drain cleaners are very strong chemicals that can dissolve carpet fibers.
Acne medications containing benzyl peroxide, very powerful bleach, are capable of permanently damaging your carpet and other fabrics as well.
One very important fact to remember is NEVER use a product with the letters OXY or OXI in them.
Regardless of what the label says there is a slow acting oxidizing bleach in it that can permanently remove the color from your carpet.
None of these cleaning agents are of any use on this type of stain.
There are many products on the market to help you clean stains.
And, there are many ways that you can clean them without chemicals at all.
90% of all soiling materials that are spilled on carpet can be completely removed with cold water.
But, the trick is, when you have a spill you need answers and you need them now! Here are some helpful hints that will provide you with some solutions when it comes to handling carpet stains.
If you have any questions call a qualified carpet cleaning professional.
They will be glad to help you.
If you get similar stains on your upholstery, please feel to call a professional upholstery cleaner for advice.
All of these spotting chemicals are over the counter and readily available.
If you have spilled red wine there is a remedy that many times works.
Apply a small amount of white wine to the stain.
Chances are the stain will be removed.
This does NOT work in reverse.
If you spill white wine, NEVER PUT RED WINE ON IT.
If some of the stain still remains, use the procedure for Water Soluble Stains as listed below.
Do NOT use ammonia on wool or wool-blend carpet! Permanent fiber damage is likely.
In some cases, depending on which spot you are dealing with, you may have to apply a small amount of an over the counter mild detergent solution.
Remember: if a small amount of soap won't remove the spot, more soap will probably make it worse! Use a solution of an over the counter mild liquid detergent: no more than 1/4 teaspoon of detergentto 32 ounces of cool water.
A clear, non-bleach liquid dishwashing detergent is recommended.
Do not use detergents that are creamy or cloudy because they can leave a sticky residue which can hold any odor that might be there.
Spray lightly onto the spot and blot repeatedly with white towels, working from the outer edge in toward the center of the spot to prevent the spot from spreading.
Rinse thoroughly by spraying with clean cool water, and then blot or extract until spot is almost dry.
As mentioned before, don't be afraid to call a qualified carpet cleaning professional for help.
You and your carpet will probably make a friend.