How Is a Call Option Price Affected by an Increase in Expiration Time?
- A call option contract is defined by several parameters. The strike price is the price of the underlying stock at which the option holder buys the stock if the option is exercised. The expiration date is the third Friday of the listed expiration month. A call option is in-the-money -- ITM -- if the stock price is above the strike price. If the stock price is below the strike price, the option is out-of-the-money -- OTM. One trader pays the option premium for the right to buy the stock at the strike price, and another trader sells the option and must deliver the stock if the contract is exercised.
- The premium of a call option consists of two parts: intrinsic value and time premium. The intrinsic value is the amount the option is in-the-money and the remaining value is time value. The premium of an out-of-the-money call option is entirely time value. For example, Apple, stock symbol AAPL, is currently at $322 per share. The call option with a $310 strike price and expiration in the next month has a premium of $19. The option is $12 in-the-money and has a time premium of $7.
- The time premium amount of a call option is dependent on the volatility of the underlying stock and the time remaining until the option expires. Call options with a longer time until expiration will have a higher premium. For AAPL, the $310 strike price call that expires in 3 months has a premium of $27.50. This is $8.50 more time value than on the one month option. Call options with further out expirations will have higher premiums than near term options.
- The time value is the cost a call option buyer pays for the rights provided by the option to purchase the underlying stock. The time value on an option will decay as the expiration date approaches, moving the option value towards the intrinsic value or zero if the option is OTM. Call option sellers can receive more premium by selling longer dated call options. The trade-off is the extended time for the option to be exercised by the buyer.