Easy Ideas For How To Remove Warts
Anyone wondering how to remove warts should know that there are several ways. Some of these ways utilize items that you most likely already have around the house. Other ways require a trip to the pharmacy and another will require a visit to the dermatologist. While a wart is not considered dangerous, depending on where they are located, they can be bothersome.
Your doctor can remove a wart quickly in his or her office. They often do this by freezing it off. Liquid Nitrogen will be sprayed on the wart. Your skin will blister and within a week it should be healed and back to normal. You and your doctor may also decide to surgically remove it. This will most often leave a scar.
The second medical option is surgery. This is done on an out patient basis. One drawback to this is the scaring that will be left behind. Many patients opt of this option once this is discovered. Consequently, this is not one of the more popular methods of removal.
Everyone knows that Duct tape is quite useful. This is another case where Duct tape can come to the rescue. Cover the wart with a piece of duct tape. Leave it in place for one week. After a week take it off, clean the surface with warm water. You may even want to use a pumice and run it gently over the area. Put another piece of Duct tape over it. Continue in this manner until it is gone.
What will happen if a wart is left as it is and no treatment is done is something else that is heard often. If it is not bothering you and you do not want to do anything to it, that is fine. Most often they go away on their own. It can take two years or so to happen, but it will happen.
Applying Castor oil a couple of times a day is another option. Do this each morning and again at night before bed. Cover the area with a bandage after the oil is applied. In a few weeks your problem should be cleared up and gone.
Make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the wart. Let it dry. Repeat this daily for several weeks until it disappears.
You now have several options for how to remove warts. It can take weeks to work. However, even a visit to the doctor's office or an over the counter option can take time before it is completely gone. Therefore, if it is in a place where it is not noticeable and it does not bother you, you might not want to bother doing anything. It could take a couple of years, but a wart will often disappear on its own during that time.
Your doctor can remove a wart quickly in his or her office. They often do this by freezing it off. Liquid Nitrogen will be sprayed on the wart. Your skin will blister and within a week it should be healed and back to normal. You and your doctor may also decide to surgically remove it. This will most often leave a scar.
The second medical option is surgery. This is done on an out patient basis. One drawback to this is the scaring that will be left behind. Many patients opt of this option once this is discovered. Consequently, this is not one of the more popular methods of removal.
Everyone knows that Duct tape is quite useful. This is another case where Duct tape can come to the rescue. Cover the wart with a piece of duct tape. Leave it in place for one week. After a week take it off, clean the surface with warm water. You may even want to use a pumice and run it gently over the area. Put another piece of Duct tape over it. Continue in this manner until it is gone.
What will happen if a wart is left as it is and no treatment is done is something else that is heard often. If it is not bothering you and you do not want to do anything to it, that is fine. Most often they go away on their own. It can take two years or so to happen, but it will happen.
Applying Castor oil a couple of times a day is another option. Do this each morning and again at night before bed. Cover the area with a bandage after the oil is applied. In a few weeks your problem should be cleared up and gone.
Make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the wart. Let it dry. Repeat this daily for several weeks until it disappears.
You now have several options for how to remove warts. It can take weeks to work. However, even a visit to the doctor's office or an over the counter option can take time before it is completely gone. Therefore, if it is in a place where it is not noticeable and it does not bother you, you might not want to bother doing anything. It could take a couple of years, but a wart will often disappear on its own during that time.