5 Common Diet Mistakes That You Must Avoid
As long as you are making certain fundamental mistakes in your efforts to lose weight, you would not be able to achieve your goal of shedding off all your excessive body fat.
These mistakes will keep your weight stuck at your present high level and even if you succeed in shedding off some pounds you will regain them back after a while.
Some of the common diet mistakes that you must avoid include the following: Mistake 1-Reliance on crash diets If you make use of crash diets just because you want to lose weight fast, you are making a great mistake.
If you make use of these crash diets plans that sometimes prescribes the consumption of only grapefruit or cabbage every day, you would end up consuming less than 1000 calories per day.
With this extremely low level of calorie intake, you will not only succeed in shedding your weight, you will also cause your metabolic rate to drop.
Thus, the rate at which your body burns calories slows down and you end up regaining all your lost weight.
Mistake 2-Oversnacking When you indulge in too many snacks apart from your main meals, you will most likely lose track of your snacks.
Once you lose track of your snacks, you will not be able to fully measure the total number of calories that you are consuming.
By the time you add the calories in the bag of pretzels on your desk, plus the calories in the small piece of cake that you indulged in at a party, plus the small ice cream that you took, you would have most likely ended up consuming more than the amount of calories that your diet plan prescribed that you should take in a day.
If you really want to monitor and control your calorie intake while you still indulge in snacks occasionally, you must keep a notebook to help you record and keep track of all the snacks that you take.
Mistake 3-Avoiding breakfast If you skip breakfast so as to reduce your daily calorie intake, you will most likely end up increasing your hunger level later in the day.
This makes you more vulnerable to the temptation of eating unhealthy snacks when you get hungry at your place of work.
Also, skipping breakfast will make you feel like eating a very heavy meal for lunch.
Therefore, if you can eat protein and fibre rich foods for breakfast, you are more likely to succeed at achieving your fat loss goals.
Mistake 4-Total avoidance of snacks Although it is true that if you engage in mindless snacking you will most likely become fatter, if you can eat healthy snacks that are rich in protein and low in sugar content you will actually improve your chances of achieving your fat loss goals.
Mistake 5-Eating lots of low fat foods Even though you can consume some low fat foods if you want to lose body fat, you should be careful not to overdo it as not all low fat foods actually have low calorie content.
Also, if you say that you can eat a large chunk of cake just because it is a low fat cake, you might end up consuming more calories than you bargained for.
By the way, are you interested in knowing how you can actually start off on an effective diet plan?
These mistakes will keep your weight stuck at your present high level and even if you succeed in shedding off some pounds you will regain them back after a while.
Some of the common diet mistakes that you must avoid include the following: Mistake 1-Reliance on crash diets If you make use of crash diets just because you want to lose weight fast, you are making a great mistake.
If you make use of these crash diets plans that sometimes prescribes the consumption of only grapefruit or cabbage every day, you would end up consuming less than 1000 calories per day.
With this extremely low level of calorie intake, you will not only succeed in shedding your weight, you will also cause your metabolic rate to drop.
Thus, the rate at which your body burns calories slows down and you end up regaining all your lost weight.
Mistake 2-Oversnacking When you indulge in too many snacks apart from your main meals, you will most likely lose track of your snacks.
Once you lose track of your snacks, you will not be able to fully measure the total number of calories that you are consuming.
By the time you add the calories in the bag of pretzels on your desk, plus the calories in the small piece of cake that you indulged in at a party, plus the small ice cream that you took, you would have most likely ended up consuming more than the amount of calories that your diet plan prescribed that you should take in a day.
If you really want to monitor and control your calorie intake while you still indulge in snacks occasionally, you must keep a notebook to help you record and keep track of all the snacks that you take.
Mistake 3-Avoiding breakfast If you skip breakfast so as to reduce your daily calorie intake, you will most likely end up increasing your hunger level later in the day.
This makes you more vulnerable to the temptation of eating unhealthy snacks when you get hungry at your place of work.
Also, skipping breakfast will make you feel like eating a very heavy meal for lunch.
Therefore, if you can eat protein and fibre rich foods for breakfast, you are more likely to succeed at achieving your fat loss goals.
Mistake 4-Total avoidance of snacks Although it is true that if you engage in mindless snacking you will most likely become fatter, if you can eat healthy snacks that are rich in protein and low in sugar content you will actually improve your chances of achieving your fat loss goals.
Mistake 5-Eating lots of low fat foods Even though you can consume some low fat foods if you want to lose body fat, you should be careful not to overdo it as not all low fat foods actually have low calorie content.
Also, if you say that you can eat a large chunk of cake just because it is a low fat cake, you might end up consuming more calories than you bargained for.
By the way, are you interested in knowing how you can actually start off on an effective diet plan?