How to Get Up to Date Breast Cancer Information
- 1). Log onto the Susan G. Komen For The Cure home page. This is a foundation which funds cancer research, promotes breast cancer educational programs and offers funding and other resources to people who are fighting breast cancer. You can read the latest headlines regarding breast cancer by clicking on the "Breast Cancer News" tab in the "Latest Headlines" box found on the home page. Click the "More" link in the bottom of the box to read even more news stories.
- 2). Find up-to-date breast cancer information on Health Central. Health Central lists news stories and other information about deadly diseases such as diabetes, AIDS and breast cancer on a daily basis. Click the "Breast Cancer" link on the left side of the Health Central home page. At the top of the next Web page, you will find up to date information listed in the "Latest Breast Cancer News" box. You can also read stories posted by individuals dealing with breast cancer and information about treatments on this page.
- 3). Sign up for the National Breast Cancer Foundation newsletter. The NBCF is an organization similar to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation. Click the "Newsletter" link found underneath the "About NBCF" heading at the very bottom of the home page. Enter the required information and you will be receive the newsletter to your email address every time it is produced.
- 4). Read up-to-date breast cancer information that is published on Medical News Today. This website does all of the work for you as it lists numerous articles regarding breast cancer from numerous sources and does so every day. Scroll down the home page and you will find articles that have been posted during the previous two weeks.
- 5). Find breast cancer news on the Science Daily website. Here is where you can find and read stories about breast cancer treatments and facts. Scroll down the "Breast Cancer News" portion of the Science Daily website to find links to articles that have been published on that particular day. You can also cycle through other pages to find articles from previous days.