How to Fold the U.S. Flag
- 1). Stand across from your folding partner. Stretch out the flag between you, so that you are each holding the two corners of one shorter side of the rectangle. Hold the flag waist-high, with the surface parallel to the ground.
- 2). Fold the lower half of the red and white stripes section laterally over the half with the blue field of white stars, while holding the edges of the top and bottom firmly.
- 3). Fold the flag laterally again so that the field of stars is on the outside.
- 4). Fold a triangular section of the flag by bringing the striped corner on the folded edge up to meet the top, open edge.
- 5). Turn the end point of the flag triangle inward, toward the rest of the flag. Make sure it is parallel to the open edge. This will form another triangle.
- 6). Continue to make triangular folds in the flag until the entire length has become a triangle. When the folding is finished, only the blue field of stars should be showing.