Sam Raimi Discusses 30 Days of Night and Other Upcoming Films
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Sam Raimi Press Conference
What's on your fast track as far producing goes for you right now?
“Right now the screenplay for Grudge 3 is being written. We're hoping that if we get the right script, to go into production. But the writer's strike might impact that. It might impact everything that I'm saying, let me just say that. Currently Drag Me To Hell, we're hoping to go into production on that.
That's the curse movie directed by Jeff Lynch, a first time live-action director. Hopefully that'll go into production this winter also. Rise, the sequel to it, Rise 2, that's on the fast track to production written by Ben Ketai. So those three, I think, with Ghost House Pictures.”
30 Days of Night seems to have raised the bar for Ghost House Pictures. Were you aware of that during the development of it and does that influence future projects that you're talking about?
“I didn't know that it raised the bar (laughing). Well, we'll try and live up to the high standards set up by that picture then. Scaring people is always a low carnival job in my opinion, and I don't want to ever get too highfalutin or fancy about it. If you can jump out and scream boo and they jump, then I'm for it - even if it was unfair and you shouldn't have hidden outside the booth, or you should've stayed inside the haunted house. I mean, anything that scares them good and loud and really freaks them out I'm really in favor of, whether it's considered a low thing or not.
So I'm glad that it raised the bar. I'd like to see more characters in the movies that we make. I think that's what Steve Niles' comic book had in it. I didn't know that it raised the bar, though I'm glad that it did.”