Ways to Keep Yourself Safe During Hot Temperatures
Experts are expecting record-setting temperatures this summer all over the United States. It's very important that you keep yourself and your family safe during the harsh conditions. These safety tips will help you and others cope in case your area has over the top temperatures this season.
Many of these tips will be familiar to you -- but the key is to practice them in order to keep yourself and others safe.
As we wait to see what the weather holds for this summer, these tips will help us make the best of a tough situation. When the heat index is in the upper 90's and often over 100, the situation can be more than just uncomfortable. It can be dangerous. Adhering to these safety tips will help you have a safe summer despite the weather conditions.
Many of these tips will be familiar to you -- but the key is to practice them in order to keep yourself and others safe.
- Drink lots of water and fruit juice. Keeping fluids in your system is a key to avoiding dehydration, heat stroke, constipation and other problems. These liquids will not help -- and may increase the chance of problems: Coffee, caffeinated soda and alcohol.
- Reduce strenuous exercise when possible. Find an air conditioned location for your workouts -- a local gym or community center, the mall for walking, etc. If you choose to exercise outside, do it early in the morning or in the evening.
- Stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible. Wear a hat, lightweight long-sleeve clothing and use sunscreen if you are outside for an extended period of time.
- Make sure your air conditioning system is in good working order. Air conditioning can be a lifesaver in this weather. Have an HVAC professional maintain and clean it, add refrigerant if necessary, and repair any issues that are identified.
- Check on elderly parents or neighbors daily to make sure their air conditioner is working and that they are getting enough fluids, etc.
- Never leave anyone -- pets included -- in a parked car for even a few minutes. Even with windows down the temperatures within can get dangerously high.
- Speaking of pets, many of these tips apply to them too. Make sure their water dish is always full, let them out to exercise in early morning or late evening, and don't leave them out in direct sunlight for more than a few minutes.
As we wait to see what the weather holds for this summer, these tips will help us make the best of a tough situation. When the heat index is in the upper 90's and often over 100, the situation can be more than just uncomfortable. It can be dangerous. Adhering to these safety tips will help you have a safe summer despite the weather conditions.