How Do I Approach Girls - 3 Effective Tips
The biggest fear of all is the fear of rejection.
This is more so the case if it is a girl that you have being into for a long time and are trying to muster up the courage to go and talk with her.
It's not even just the rejection you may be afraid of - it is also the fear of what to say when you get there.
In order to improve your confidence which will basically come from improving your ability to take action you will need to work on a few things.
Number one there is one thing you must do when you get there and that is look her directly in the eyes.
That's right, lift your head and don't stare anywhere else.
Women do like it when you look them in the eyes.
They dislike it like if you are there just checking them out like a piece of meat.
Secondly when you get there just say Hi.
You do not have to come up with a Presidential speech.
Just start with a simple hello and then open up a conversation with something relative to your surroundings.
Then look her in the eyes and let her speak.
Do not start looking at the floor.
Thirdly listen let her do most of the talking.
Be aware of what is going on around you.
Now and again divert your attention away from her, just as if you are looking for somebody.
Listen for what her hot buttons are and ask questions relative to those topics.
You want her to be comfortable.
You learn nothing when your mouth is in gear.
Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal.
If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her.
If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links...
You can learn this and a lot more.